The Limit Of Kindness.


We have been hearing the saying that " Too much of everything is bad",this still applies when you are also doing good. Sometimes we don't have to wait for us to experience something before we learn, one of the best way is to learn from the mistakes of others.

Love is what keeps the world moving, and one of the way to demonstrate love is by being kind to people. If all of us can be kind to one another, the world will be peaceful and free from violence. We know everyone cannot be kind and I have always try best to be kind to everyone around me, but one thing I discovered is that even when you demonstrate this act of kindness, people will still want to take advantage of you.

It is so sad that we live in a wicked world, where some people don't even appreciate the good, they see those who are nice and kind as weak people and a target to exploit. When I see all this happening, different thoughts comes into my mind about if is still good to be kind always.

I have a friend who was a victim of this kind of situation. My friend is the kind of girl who is always kind to everyone who comes her way, she is seen as a selfless person, she can go out of her convenient just to help others, she is always looking out on others and can sacrifice what she have easily just to make others happy. My problem was not the way she was taking the kindness too far, yes it is good to help if you can, but the issue there is that the people she helped rarely come back to appreciate her, some just use her when they are in need and dump her when they have, no ones remember her when she is need, but when they are in need they run to her, even her family members also treat her like this.

I have been asking her why she still choose to be kind, when there is no one returning back the kindness, she always told me how everything in this world is vanity, we came with nothing and we live with nothing and the only way to live a successful life is to be kind to others even when they don't reciprocate. She has choosing a good path, but the path is really filled with suffering, because yes she is good but we live in a wicked world where people rarely appreciate people like her.

Limiting The Kindness.

With what I have seen in this world, I'm really afraid to preach kindness, even though I love to being kind. Sometimes you just have to show the other side of you, when you see that people are taking your kindness for granted and are riding on your niceness, you have to cut off the kindness from such people. I am trying to say we should be ruthless, but when you kindness is used to take advantage of you and rubbish you, those kind of people should be remove from your life immediately before they remove you from this world.

Be kind to others, but know when it has passed it's limit because this world is indeed a wicked world.

Thank you.

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