Some Don't Want To Love Again.


It is so sad most people have decided not to love again because of what they have experienced in today's world. People have passed through a lot because of love and they regretted ever doing it.

I have a friend that always convince us not to engage in anything called relationship, infact she don't want to hear that word "relationship", it irritates her. Whenever we are around her, she never stops telling us why relationship is a scam(as she puts it). She gives a very convincing points and most of believed her, we called her anti-love preacher because she can't stop talking about it.

She said relationship is like a bondage that people love to enter easily without knowing the consequences, when you are in a relationship there is no freedom. It is better to be single, because you got no worries when you are single, her preaching goes on and on, we have nothing to say but just agree with her.

The Heart break news

One day we heard a sad news from one of our friend, her date decided to end their relationship and she felt it so bitterly. Unluckily our Anti-love friend was there, she was the one that took it over, and made it an evidence as why she was saying relationship is a scam, we wanted make her stop the talk, because that was not the right moment, our friend is in a bad condition and you are still preaching to us about relationship being a scam. She never stopped, and I believed she convinced most of us and even my heart broken friend because since that day she hated everything called love and relationship.

I have decided not to put what my girlfriend was saying into heart, but sometimes I sit down to think if this relationship of a thing is really worth it, is there anything like true love? Is true love death, or we are entering a relationship with wrong motives and we are expecting too much from the other person. There is a lot to think about and to ask about this relationship.

I haven't been in any relationship of recent, that is because I'm really taking my time not to make those mistakes others made, that have made them decided not to engage in one again. This love of a thing is looking so unreal in our world today, I hope to find true love some day.

Thank you.

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