Just Say No.


I've realized that in today's world, one of the most difficult things for people to say to another person is the word NO. People don't say it much for some reason, but we need more people to say NO because it will help stop a lot of unnecessary things.

I'd be lying if I said I had no idea why people find it difficult to say NO because I used to be the same way. I remember back then that instead of saying it bluntly, I'd beat around the bush and just say NO with multiple words to avoid offending the other person, and at last I would end up regretting so deeply .


Fear is the only reason most if us can't say no. I know you might think saying no might offend someone, but you see, the truth is that saying NO should not offend anyone. If you ask me for a favor, you should know that there is a 50/50 chance that I will say YES to you and a 50/50 chance that I will say NO to you. I believe that most people are so focused on the first 50% chance of getting a positive response from you (which is good because we have to be positive) that they are very disappointed when you don't give them the response they want. But, in reality, they would not have been as disappointed if they had kept an open mind about the other 50/50 chance of getting a no.

But just don't misunderstand the entire point. It's wonderful to help people, especially if you can (I know I do), but if you don't feel like it, just remember that there's nothing wrong with saying "No, I can't help you," and you shouldn't feel bad when people say the same thing to you either since nobody is entitled to anyone's assistance.

Because if you go through life trying to be a "yes-man" and pleasing everyone else, eventually you will become worn out and have no time for yourself. Additionally, a person who doesn't value himself or aren't deserving of other people's time and attention. You will never succeed by being nice to everyone, learn how to set boundaries or else people will play you around.

Learn how to say no when it is necessary.

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