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I always say, if you want to really lift your career, surround yourself with the right people. Looking back on my journey, I always think of Warren Buffet's focus to gain a "mentor".

That taught me a very important lesson:this is why it's essential to ask for advice from people who have been there and done that. The thought occured to me when I first started my career, the combination of emotions were daunting.

At some point, I wished for a corner where somebody could tell me or give life related advice and experiences. Mentorship is what I found in the moment. It makes the difference in having another mind to bounce ideas around and who believes in you. In my case, when I was getting started as a freelancer,I found mentors who were doing what i wanted. They provided invaluable aspects.

They gave me different perspectives, demonstrated how to overcome obstacles and inspired me set better goals. They are people that have mentored me on a professional and personal level. The most important lesson, mentorship is not only about receving guidance. It is also definitely about self awareness.

Feedback from a mentor makes you realize the things that are worked upon and other areas of growth. This has been incredibly important for good decision making and not falling into traps. Having mentors definitely sets and streams goals in the process as well. They keep you organized, force you to chunk your higher-level goals into actionable bite-sized pieces, and ensure that the destination does not get lost in them. It has been a useful tool to remain concise and organized in making progress against my goals.

Another important factor is the emotional benefit that a mentor provides. And although there were moments when I felt discouraged by things not panning out as well, it was invaluable to have someone on my side pushing me forward. It was this encouragement that not just renewed my dedication however, likewise aided me accumulate the resistance to keep going. Another advantage of having a mentor is networking.

You are about to meet your life partners and even become an opportunity for new opportunities. These relationships can open doors for you in ways that may never happen if it were just you trying to get ahead on your own.

Even now, I realize how influential those mentors who paved my way were for me. Their mentoring has informed how I approach work and life; they taught me the power of a good mentor. One day I aspire to mentor others and guide them through their own journeys using what i have learned.

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