Why Reading Books is Still Important to Me


Although I love reading books there are always many other ways through which I can acquire information thus why do I still read? These are the reasons why books matter to me.

They provide deep understanding of the various topics and offer a lot of specific information. Although videos or online articles could be instructive, there is something in books that cannot be found elsewhere. Whenever I wish to go into details regarding a particular subject, my choice is always a book.

Books also provide me with great amusement. Fiction especially allows me to take flights of fancy aiming at different spheres. Instead of watching movies and television programs’ scenes it lets me visualize everything on my own (Nawrocki 21). Consequently, every time I read a book it appears as if characters and places come alive in my mind hence giving each reading experience its uniqueness while personal.

My brain gets a good workout when I read, just like exercising. Reading makes me concentrate and have more focus. Regular reading keeps my mind sharp and active too, as if I was working out my brain to make it strong and healthy. Clinical researchers even indicate that reading may help slow down cognitive decline in old age.

Novels also fuel my imagination. When I read, I create mental pictures of the events, characters and scenes that I encounter in the text; this stimulates my inventiveness. It is remarkable how reading can bring about novel ideas or alternative ways of thinking.

There is one thing about reading novels that is rewarding to me: they allow me to see life from a different standpoint. This gives me an opportunity to understand others’ feelings and experiences on a deeper level. In turn, it promotes connectedness among people thereby building empathy within me. To be sincere with myself, I think books build our compassion for each other as well as our understanding of others.

Reading also happens to be the best way of calming my nerves. In stressful situations, I always find solace in a book. It’s an ideal get away from daily worries where I can recharge. A story is a way of escaping reality.

Books act as time capsules that store history, culture and knowledge. They provide me with an opportunity to learn about the past and keep traditions alive. This historical connection helps me appreciate our origins and path so far.

However, self-help books and motivational books can be great guides for personal development. Advice on how to improve various aspects of life is well offered in such books. These books urge me to become better and aspire more irrespective of whether it’s health, relationships or career.

With the digital world full of distractions, what makes books special? Books help me explore thoughts, events and facts more profoundly. Despite many other ways to get information, I still feel that reading books is important and greatly valuable.

What are my reasons for reading books? They build my mind, amuse my heart as well as make me mature. Reading is not only about information; it is a means of engaging with the universe and myself.

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