Why I Think People Are Ditching Tesla in California

You know, this Tesla and California thing got me thinking. So, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, moved the company’s headquarters from California to Texas. And man, people did not like that one bit.


Business drama usually isn’t my kind of thing but this one is different. I’m a born-and-raised Californian and proud of it. When Tesla made electric cars right under our noses, it was everything.

Then he upped and left us for Texas! Texas! Now don’t get me wrong, Texas is cool but it ain’t California. We’ve got beaches and mountains and sunshine.

That statement? I felt betrayed. Elon did that to us? What did we say? Did we do something wrong? We were there for Tesla since the beginning, and this is how they repay us?

But guess what, now some people in California are like enough is enough. They’re taking it upon themselves and saying if Tesla wants to go, then fine. We’ll show them. We won’t buy their cars!

And honestly, I get it. It’s like a self-respect thing, you know? Like no, we’re not going to let you walk all over us. Also, there’s a little bit of pride involved too. If Tesla doesn’t want California anymore… well maybe California doesn’t want Tesla either.

But on the other hand, everything isn’t so black and white. I mean those Teslas are still pretty cool cars. Plus they’re good for the environment you know, so it’s not like I want to completely boycott them or anything.

But it still feels like we’re getting left behind you know? Like if Tesla can just leave whenever they feel like it what does that say about us? Are we not good enough anymore? Not worth sticking around for?

And this isn’t only about Tesla either. It’s about what all of this means. It’s about big companies thinking they can do whatever they want without considering the little guy. Loyalty, community, standing up for what’s right all that stuff too.

Yeah, perhaps I’m being overdramatic. Perchance I’m overthinking it. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel some type of way about this whole thing right now. And until Tesla returns to California, my money’s going elsewhere.

It’s not just cars or corporations or even headquarters at the end of the day; it’s about home. Wherever Tesla may choose to go, California will always be my home.

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