Is My Relationship Ready for Marriage?

When you think about marriage, it’s normal to wonder if your relationship is indeed ripe for this lifelong union. I have recently come across three vital things that show that your relationship might be prepared for a marriage. This is what I think about in clear words.


One of the major signs is genuinely enjoying every minute you spend with each other. It doesn’t imply having fun or doing thrilling things always though. It rather means feeling at ease and happy just being around someone who cares so much for you especially during those moments when there is nothing much happening. If you look forward to merely being near one another, then it indicates that you have a strong bond. Because if you can enjoy each other’s company through the simple everyday moments then it means that truly value each other’s presence.

Also, it is important you know how to relate with each other. It is wrong to say that proper communication implies an absence of arguments; it simply means that you can handle disagreements in a positive way. If you can speak your mind freely, listen to what is being said and solve your conflicts without keeping grudges then this is a very good sign. On the contrary, if there are constant squabbles or silent treatments from either partner then the couple has a problem with poor communication skills which may eventually ruin their relationship. To be able to discuss matters calmly and honestly is necessary for any lasting partnership.

Money can cause serious stress so being compatible financially matters a lot. This does not imply matching incomes or spending habits but agreeing on financial goals and managing money together without regular fights. The knowledge that both individuals can depend on one another when making sound financial choices brings about peace of mind. When couples agree on money issues, they help build a firm foundation for tomorrow’s life together.

To me, these three signs are realistic and make a lot of sense. They encompass emotional, communicative and practical dimensions of any relationship which is important for a strong marriage. These areas must be reflected upon and conversations held candidly with your mate. Preparing for marriage goes beyond love alone, it is about partnership and how good you two are at navigating through life together.

If you have fun together, talk well and share financial goals then you may ready to marry. Take some time to give serious thoughts to these considerations because getting married is a big deal that needs solid and firm grounds. Making sure that these elements are in place goes a long way towards creating a happy foundation for an eternal joyous marriage.

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