The Art of Self-Compassion: Why Being Kind to Yourself Matters


In addressing stress in life, self-compassion has to be chosen over empathy. In matters concerning the complexities of life, one cannot afford to be empathetic with other people. We are, however, very much in a position to empathize with ourselves when things turn rogue.

Self-compassion, on the other hand, works on how we speak to ourselves, how we act to ourselves, when life has become difficult or when things do not turn out the way we wish they could. It is the state where one is being considerate to himself or herself.

It is vital therefore to practice self-compassion for two reasons. Firstly, due to the fact that if nothing has worked for you it grants you the ability to carry out the next step. Secondly, because it prepares us or enables us become better, happier, and healthier individuals.

According to a research, the University of British Columbia revealed that people who displayed high levels of self-compassion are likely to take shorter time to relieve themselves of negative feeling and thus are likely to bounce back faster.

According to another research, a group of authors from the University of Oxford noticed that people who received more self-kindness reported greater level of happiness.

So, who wants more happiness and who wants to become more resilient, it is recommended to take a little time for self-compassion per day. Here are some things to do.

  • The first step is therefore to be told that it is okay to feel this way and that you are not the only one who experiences this. This is the first of the self-compassion process.

  • Try to turn to your friend or a family member that would be able to discuss the problem with you.

  • Reflect on a situation that is similar to the one being modelled and how a particular person coped with it.

  • Do not forget that you are only a human and everyone has some moments when they can fail. One must realize that having failures in one’s life is normal and does not mean the end of the world.

  • In any circumstances which may be thought to be challenging, one has to tell himself or herself that he or she is pulling as hard as possible. It is impossible to have a flawless performance no matter how much one practices.

  • When thinking about yourself, try to look at the brighter side of life and examine what you are good at. Just consider all the things that make you happy and glad to go on with your life.

  • Tell yourself that you have a right to be loved and accepted.

  • Think yourself consuming a wine in a bar, listening to a track or simply going out for a walk. But how would that be, you wished to know.

  • Keep in mind that you carry the key of your feelings in your hands. There is no one else who can make you feel in a certain way you want to and it is your responsibility alone.

  • Inform yourself constantly that it is normal for you to be happy. This it will help those who feel they don’t have any reason to rejoice to have a good day by reminding them that they do.

  • Remember to cherish your life and the chances you get and I do mean cherish them.

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