
You see this so called success is not really as hard as we make it sometimes it just requires a few decisions to be made in order to gain the height of success that is wished for. success is one of the biggest factors of the game of life and sometimes you just have to give up that little bit in order to set things straight.

The job you envy; that dream job or that dream contract you wish you were granted must have been gotten by your rival not because he is better than you, but perhaps because he knows how to make himself looked hired, the process of life selection is indeed determined by how one is able to present him or herself.

Avoid procrastination as much as possible.
Procrastination is one of the biggest killers of dreams, it’s normal for the body to feel weak sometime, but when that weakness of the body is not fought by discipline, our dreams become delayed and unreachable but when we fight against that laziness, and make the heart work as soon as we are able, then at the end of the day, a better result will be achieved.

Wasting time on the same approach.
To implement a specific way of tackling a certain issue and then keep on applying the same mechanism over and over, although it does not yield good outcome, that is time wasting, the moment an approach is tried severally and still yields the same result, then it is time to let it go and seek an alternative solution.

Not everything is going to sort itself out.
We are very fast in thinking that we will just wait for sometime and everything will be well and we just sit back day dreaming that everything will be alright when it is not as easy as that; no everything won’t just be alright unless we make it so.

Think well before saying yes.
There must be a cogitation before one commit himself to a particular thing, we also need to know when to say yes for a job and when to say no, doing every job that is assigned to you doesn’t make you a winner, of the job that is assigned to each of us, there must be a time to think deeply before responding either negatively or positively.

Always trying to blame other people.
The most tempting thing that all of us like doing is blaming other people for all events in our life, what mean blaming people all the time such thing speaks volumes of the fact that we are not prepared to embrace change and that is a clear call for failure and setback. We are required to assume liability for what we do and then find out how to handle the realities that may emerge.

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