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Parents Are The Reason For Life's Blessings Upon You.

Parents are so important that if you cut them off, you might be cutting your blessings life.


Some of us the reason the level of our account balance, relationship and health are low is because we have failed to reach out to our old parents. There is no external force guiding us because you decided cut the umblica cord that is supposed to be your umbrella, sustaining you.

I know some might have a good reason to cutoff their parents. Some of our parents are toxic, not supportive, or they abandoned you when you needed them the most, all this can be one of the few reason not to have anything to do with your parents.

Yes it is possible to have a bad parents who possess all kind of toxic characteristic, but life still demands that you never stop obeying and honoring your parents. Most of your life blessings are tied to obeying and honoring your parents. So even though your parents no longer worth your time and attention, never deny them a place of honor and respect, or else life will still hold you responsible.

No matter what, your parents are still entitled of your care, respect, love and honor. You can choose to do all this from a distance, but never cut them off completely.

It is part of the law of nature to honor and respect your parents, almost all religion preached this because there is a great blessing attached to it for doing that.

Don't stop honoring and respecting your parents.

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