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Life Is Short, Always Create A Balance Between Work And Enjoyment.


Everyone wants to live long, but not all will be opportuned to live long. Enjoyment is free, whenever you have privilege to enjoy yourself without hesitation.

Enjoyments are not to be saved up to your old age, for it is not guaranteed. We are hopeful that we all live long, but how sure are we when tomorrow is not yet promised, we only know today but not the next.

Tommorow is definitely not guaranteed for everyone, but we are only assured of today. We are always so engaged in working, investing and planning for the future that is not yet guaranteed, that we fail to enjoy a little bit today. Working and investing is permitted, but denying yourself of a well deserved enjoyment is a capital NO.

Remember to live your life to the fullest now that you can, Incase you don't know, enjoying your life today is better than enduring your life for tommorow. If all you are planning of is to work and accumulate wealth so you can start enjoying after you have retired at your 60's, then you have to replan again. Do you even know if you will live up to that age?

I am not trying to say you should involved in reckless spending today and not save for the future, what I meant is that you should create a balance between working and enjoying your life. Work is also important as enjoyment, never prefer one over another. Work and also eat before death eat you up unexpectedly.

Invest for tommorow, but don't also wait for tomorrow to enjoy, do it now!

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