Summer Activities

It's Independence Day in America. It's a hot summer day in Texas. I'm pretty sure there are fireworks next town over. This morning, we went to HEB to buy some items to grill.

Mission HEB

We were greeted by one of the surest signs of summer, watermelons. I think anywhere in the USA will associate watermelons with summer.

Watermelons at HEB

We picked up some hamburger patties and sausages stuffed with cheese to substitute for hot dogs. Normally, we'd Tex-Mex the barbecue. But it's too hot to be standing outside for that long. Burgers and dogs are quicker.

Queso with Brisket

We also picked up this Tex-Mex Queso with Brisket dip. The kids love this stuff. They'll even put it in their burgers. Good stuff. HEB comes out with some amazing prepared meals you pop in the oven. I love shopping there.

Bing Image Creator mowing lawn watercolor

Before sunset, I went out and mowed the lawn. The hot dry summer has helped control the Johnsongrass that went wild in the first months of the year with the frequent rains. I decided to apply some fertilizer and weed control afterwards as there are some rains in the forecast for the weekend. The last thing I want is to have a jungle sprout up again.

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