What nature cards to buy while they are still cheap (All sets)

Hello everyone,

We have all seen the player base increase in the past month´s with the weekly play to earn and weekend events that are still active right now.
And you can see what it does to the price of the cards especially the older sets Genesis and Trial of the gods, myself I have picked up some Nature and War card from the older sets because those are the gods I mostly play in the weekend events.

This year Immutable will greatly improve the game again, and the plans for this year are:

1: Staking gods tokens
2: Gods Governance
3: Upgrading the forge to forge cards higher then meteorite
4: Purchasing cards using gods (This one seems really good where if someone purchases cards using for example Ethereum 20% of that Ethereum will be used to buy god tokens and used for the purchase, and those God tokens will go to the staking pool!)
5: Daily play to earn system
6: Mobile game release
7: More game modes

You can read more about that here: https://blog.coinlist.co/whats-next-for-gods-unchained/

So this makes me really exited for the future of the game and making money while you play this game.

Oké now lets move on to the Cards I think you should buy for Nature, if you are just starting out and you would like to play Nature as well.

Genesis Cards:
Any genesis cards you can pickup are great and I believe they will only increase in value overtime.
Yes as you will see some of them are expensive already but if you see yourself playing this game for a longer time and making money from it why not invest a little bit in to your collection.

2x Underbrush Boar Price: $145.35


This is probably be one of the best pickups at the moment, it is such a good card to get ahead when your opponent is dropping a 2/3 minion this will easily take care of it.
The price is high but you also got to remember that the card will never be released again and is used in the top nature decks

2x Revenant Lynx Price: $46.95


This card works in a lot of decks really well especially if you want to kill your enemy quick.
It is not that expensive yet compared to other Genesis cards.

1x or 2x Compost charm Price $83.90


I recently picked up 1 of this card recently as well, and it is just a amazing card healing your god for 10 hp when you are low and the enemy thinks he can kill you is great and for a bonus it will give you a random nature card.

2x Agrodor Protector Price: $7.64


Back in the days this card was really good and a I think it is still a good card and not really expensive at all.
I dont know why people are not using this card anymore but it could make a comeback later on.

2x Black Rhino Price: $6.03


Same story here used to be a card that was used a lot and can still be really strong.

Avatar of Nature Price: $424.14


This card is so good, together with Compost charm you will have a lot of healing and survive ability with these 2 cards in your deck, also there are only 2136 of them available with a player base that is only getting larger.
Its a really expensive card but if you have the money its a great addition to your collection because it will hold value and probably only increase in price.

Other good pickups:

2x Jungle scout Price: $1.37


2x Mottled Ranger Price: $1.47


2x Druidic Summons Price: $1.96


Trial of the god Cards:

2x Jaguar Staff Price: $10.80


Probably the best pickup you can do this is such a good nature card and will give you a lot of value.

Chiron the Teacher Price: $188.85


Every deck needs a relic destroyer and this card is pretty expensive but a great addition to every Nature deck.

Selena, Champion of Nature Price: $185.48


A very good card and not easily removable from the board because it has ward and backline, if your opponent can't deal with this, it will give you so much value and you will probably win.

Ornery Goat Price: $6.37


Greatest of all time ;) good pickup and another card your opponent needs to clear from the board if he can't it will hurt him.

Other cards that are good to pickup:

Steadfast Scout Price: $8.24


Figure in the Streets Price $0.80


Enchanted Vines Price : $0.83


Dryad Seer Price: $0.64


Dionysian Bull Price: $1.65


Aeona's Defection Price: $0.89


Dionysus, the Bountiful Price: $26.16


Divine Order:
I think you should pickup all the divine order cards you can at the moment, since they are still very cheap and overtime they will all go up in price once new sets are coming out and the packs aren't sold anymore.

Giant Pangolin Price: $0.85


Probably one of the best pickups this card will turn around games for you and win them.

Brazen Moose Price: $0.38


Very good card 6/6 for 5 mana and blessed is just really good and cheap.

Celestial Stag Price: $3.62


Really good card to have in your deck and get a card advantage over your opponent.

Rabid Bear Price: $0.22


Cheap and good card to have in your deck

Finnian Fruitbearer Price: $71.14


The most expensive card at the moment from the divine order set, it is just a really good value card and the price will only go up once every pack is sold and new players want this card as well.

Sudden Bloom Price: $6.76


Good card to finish the game or suprise your opponent with a very strong minion.

Falling Star: $7.06


Card that I see more and people use also in the top 10 weekend event decks

Moon-Crazed Cyclops Price: $3.65


Got a nerf already but is still a really strong card to have in your deck.

Other good pickups for you collection

Aspect of the Pangolin Price: $0.23


Crescent Werewolf Price: $0.18


Moonlight Charm Price: $1.28


Low-Hanging Fruit Price: $0.18


Moonbeam: $0.06


Raging Giant Price: $0.30


Sip from the Spring Price: $0.13


Spiny Porcupine Price: $1.01


Starving Sabertooth Price: $0.40


Vicious Manticore Price: $0.89


Watchtower of Agrodor: $18.02


I hope this will help you all pick up some good cards for your decks/collection, they can become the meta for certain weeks and also improve in value overtime.

Have a great weekend event and weekend!!

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