My idea of a new card!

Hey guys,

So recently one of our wonderful community members @kephler made and interesting and fun competition where players can get loose with their imaginations and invent cards that they think are cool. Check it out if you have not:


So this post will be about my card idea and the reason behind it.

" "fusionimg.png""

So my card is basically a fusion card; where it destroy 2 creatures, combine their strength and HP and then re-summon one of them and give it -1 strength and +2 HP and then give it frontline.

My reasoning behind this card is that It could be used very well mid to late game in any beast decks either to ensure board control, or it can be used to regain control of the board with the frontline added to the new creature.

It can fit in many decks, and can be used in both offence and defense.

However, since it will be combining 2 separate creatures, this leave it more open for counter plays from de-buff cards especially from decks like magic, but it also have its strength points against other matchups.

Every card has its counter plays and its strength point in the end.

So there you have it, simple, straight forward but I think it can be useful and fun addition to the game. Maybe the card should cost 5 instead of 6 to be more viable mid game, but maybe it will also be too overpowered.

Let me know what you guys think and a big thank you for @kephler for organizing this fun competition.

PS: (I cant use the #MyGodsUnchainedCustomCard because it it too long and has capital letters :p)

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