My First Light Deck in Mythic!


Greetings everyone,

It is rare to see Light players nowadays especially in this meta, since the few cards and decks that are meta for Light at the moment are a bit costly and because Light has a lot of core cards for its decks that needs a bit of money.

Now I do not consider myself a Light player also, however I made a new deck and played it for a couple of games and have been enjoying it a lot so I wanted to share it with you and explain the details and the idea behind it!

The deck probably have a lot of room for improvement so I would welcome any advice so without further ado let's jump into it!

The deck


As we all know, Light is always about buffing the HP of creatures or healing them, so this one is a very basic HP buff and healing zoo deck.

The idea behind it is to try and chip away your enemy creatures early game and maintain yours on board with your high HP or with your healing. Then after taking control of the board with a lot of high HP creatures on board you can win the game.

However the game should not last for more than 6 and maybe 7 mana or things might get rough for you in case the cards drawn were not good!

A good starting hand:


Since this is mainly a creature HP buff deck, it is important to start the game with a certain creature whether it is a 1 or 2 mana creature. In addition, the Blind Martyr is an excellent starting card to take early board control.

As for the Empyrean Pacifist it can help chip away some enemy creature damage to finish them off while starting to stack HP since the beginning.

Important Cards

Chalice Priest


If this card is protected early game, it can ruin the game for the opponent for rounds to come. Imagine an HP buff deck where the enemy only have 2 strength maximum on his creatures!

Blind Martyr

Blind .jpg

This card has been good for a while now. You are basically forcing your opponent to give 2 extra HP for your creatures so it is an excellent starting card.

Light's Levy

light levii.jpg

Now this card is the star of the show! It is a huge game changer for most of the games especially if drawn early. A lot of strong early game creature do not have more than 2 strength and are HP based so this card is basically giving you an extra creature while removing one from your opponent!

This is huge to dominate and control the board.

Radiant Dawn

radiant dawn.jpg

So after 3 4 turns, you already have 2 3 4 creatures stacked on board, then BOOM just 1 of these can give you 3 strong creatures that can help you seal the deal. As well as being an excellent counter for sleep which you might face a lot in high ranks against deception!


It is so fun to switch styles of playing from time to time to enjoy the game, so I was having a lot of fun while using Light.

Even though it has 5 wins out of 6 in mythic, I know it have some room for improvements since I am not a Light player and I sometimes felt like it is missing something.

All 6 games were played in mythic so it is not bad after all but of course every deck can be improved more and more to be perfected.

Be sure to let me know of any suggestions or improvements in the comments and this would also help me for my last post about light playstyles which I am having some trouble to make because I want to find 3 viable playstyles for this god!

That was it for this post, hope you enjoy the deck if you try and take care as usual your boy THE KING sends his regards.

Mad Love, Peace Out <3

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