Game changing sanctum tip!

" " \" \"Thumbnail.png\"\"""

Hey everyone,

Recently I discovered something about the sanctum that I did not know previously so I wanted to share it with you in case any new or old player did not know about it!

This tip can turn the tides of any game greatly and make the odds in your favor!

How can this tip and the sanctum be helpful?

We all had or will have scenarios where we need a specific card from the sanctum to benefit from it greatly and maybe turn the game to our favor; one scenario being facing a zombie death deck.

We all know the core card of this deck is the Necroscepter itself:

" " \" \"necroscepter.png\"\"""

Most of the times when we do not have relic removal in our deck, two cards we might use from the sanctum to remove it are bronze servant and Wiccan trapper:

" " \" \"combo.jpg\"\"""

A second scenario can be that your opponent is very low on HP and you just do not have the opportunity to finish him off; in this situation you might need a lambasting wand or a rune of fire from the sanctum.

A third and final scenario can be needing a crucial heal for your god.

In this case you will try your best to get your hands on a vow of champions or a Rune of life.

So the stuff are mentioned above are common sense, basic stuff that happens with us all the time during games. So what is the tip that can change the tide of the game for you in case you do not know it?

Sanctum Tip:

The sanctum always can contains card from 5 different decks or you can call them mini-sets; the decks being: Defenders, Removal, Value, Answer and Threats.

" " \" \"Sanctum main.jpg\"\"""

The 3 cards that starts in the sanctum can be from any of these sets, and sanctum can never contain 2 cards of the same set at the same time, for example here the 3 starting cards are from Threats, Value and Defenders set.

" " \" \"Sanctum 2.jpg\"\"""

For those who do not know it, since we can not have 2 cards of the same set at the same time, whichever card you take from these 3, the card that will replace it can only be of the same set or the two sets that are unavailable!

" " \" \"Sanctum 4.jpg\"\"""

So let's say I took the Battle Aurochis this turn, the next turn it can only be replaced with cards from either defenders, removal or answers deck!

What does this tell us?

The big tip remains here!

Let's say I am playing against a Zombie Deck with necroscepter, and the sanctum contains 3 cards of Threats, Value and Answers.

Since the bronze servant or the Wiccan Trapper can help me crucially, and I know both of them are from the Answer set, I would want to take cards from the answers set. Because if I take from any other set, since I can not have 2 cards of the same set at the same time, I will never get the card that I want.

Still it does not mean I will 100% get the card I want next turn since it can be of either the same set or the 2 unavailable ones, however all other moves give you 0% chance of getting the card you want!

Another scenario having 3 cards from threat, defenders and value, however the card I want is from answer set, I can take whatever card until it is replaced from a card from the answer set!

This tip can be applied to all scenarios whether you need healing from value set or damage to the opponent from threats set, the same rule apply to all sets!

This is a video of me explaining all I said in details!

For more throughout explanation and information about the sanctum, what is it and how does it work checkout @kephler post.

So that was it for this post, I hope this tip will benefit and bring victory to anyone in the future! I found it quite helpful when I learned about it and it can help a lit in my games!

Take care everyone and hope you all have a great gaming!

Mad love, Peace out!

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