First Mythic Weekend Rank Bad Experience!


Hey everyone,

So this week was my first ever weekend rank played completely in mythic. After 3 weeks of de-ranking I decided to try it out un mythic this time and it did go that well due to many factors.

Although this week was kind of harsh, I will still try to improve myself and my deck and try again next week hoping for better results.

So in this post I will be sharing with you the deck that I used for the whole 25 games and what I learned from this bad experience.

The deck


So as you can notice, I used a very basic nature beast deck, nothing too fancy just all about board control and early to mid game dominance and then finish it off late game with the strong beefy creatures that you have!

The matches were tough and I was winning one, then losing one and also some technical and power issue costed me 3 games which could have got me a bit more win but overall it was not that amazing.

Also the cards drawing and the starting hand were not so lucky in a lot of matchups in addition to the confusion missing a lot for me!

Matchups Breakdown:

MatchupWins/MatchesWin rate

So as we can see, I faced a hefty amount of war and nature and a lot of the defeats I received were because of unlucky starting hand and because of 1 small bad decision made!

Since starting hand is so important, let's talk about what best to start with!

Starting hand going first:

Usually with nature decks, if you are going first, it is best to start with a 1 mana creature, another 2 mana creatures or spell and a third one for 3 or 4 mana or a late game creature to play directly when you reach it's cost and use the cards you draw to get there.

So the main focus is to at least have 2 creatures to play for the next couple of turns and a spell.

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This is a perfect starting hand if you are going first.

Starting hand if going second

In this situation, you mostly have a slight disadvantage before the game even starts. Going second is bad most of the times so you usually need reactive card to answer your opponent directly and not give him a sleight advantage of attacks.

So in this case, 2 spells and 1 creature or 1 spell, 1 blitz relic like Fae Flame for example and a 2 mana creature is a decent starting hand I would say.


This is a decent starting hand if going second with the hope of getting good creatures as the game goes on!

What I would change in my deck

There are several cards that I felt can be replaced and would give better results at least for my gameplay. So I am going to show first what cards I would replace with ones that I own.

Revivification for Vanguard Axewoman:

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Revivification for me was not that game changing or useful in a lot of matchups. So I figured switching it for another Vanguard Axewoman which got me out of a lot of tight spots especially when going second can help the deck a bit more.

Black Jaguar for Canopy Barrage:

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I figured that this deck has enough early game creatures, so switching the Black Jaguar for a Canopy Barrage can help a lot especially since this spell can help in a lot of tight spots also especially when going second!

Faeflame Blade for Staff of Roots:

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Although this switch might sound stupid or useless, I figured that with how I play, I usually do not need the 4 hits from the Faeflame and sometimes go overboard with taking damage from it and hitting unnecessary or bad targets to be hit.

So switching it for the Staff of Roots would be good for me especially that it also heals you back for a little bit.

Cards I would add if I had them:

Now I will talk about cards I would have added to the deck if I had them.

Finnian Fruitbearer:


Who would not want this card in his deck? It can provide insane pressure and value with its ability if played at a good time as well as being able to take a hit from most of 1 or 2 mana creatures!

Rabid Bear:

rabid bear.jpg

Basically a strong mid game creature. Same amount of mana as the Hunt Warden but can take more stats for being confused. So it is definitely and improve if it was added instead!

Moon-Crazed Cyclops:


Definitely a game changer if you had early game control, this card can scale insanely and help you seal the deal so I would definitely switch one of the Bladefly for it!

There are several more cards worth adding but that depends on the type of player you are or the type of deck you want to run!


Even though my first weekend rank in mythic did not go well, I will not stop trying and I will try again next week with improvement and more practice!
Because this game and everything in life is all about keeping on trying until you get to the point you want!

So hopefully with the improvement on the deck and on myself, some luck from the RNG gods I will be able to snatch more and more wins next weekend!

Congratulations for everyone who did well this week and for those who did not do not give up and keep trying!

Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or advice and I hope you like this post because I wanted to share my bad experience with you all hoping that anyone might learn anything from it!

Make sure to drop a follow I would appreciate that and thank you for reading!

Mad love, Peace out <3

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