Rune Magic 90.9% Winrate! - Meta Deck + "Runic Rank" + Breakdown & Video Gameplay!

Hello Guys!


Initial Thoughts (please skip this for deck content)

It's been a while, and If I for some reason might be missing for some time, know I'll be back! And I wish all days to be able to post!! However being missing does not mean I'm not in action right?

I have always been amazed by "Rune" themes i.e: "Runic Knights" (Ragnarok Online), "Runescape" (OSRS), "Runes" in Tibia and even "Runecraft" class in Shadowverse TCG. No wonder I have always been amazed by the mystery and participation of Runes in a general way in games.

And maybe today is one om my coolest posts I'm doing ever (at least to me) since I have never seen someone running a Rune Magic deck in all the time I've been playing gods.. Have you guys?

And it has always been one of my dreams building a Rune Deck, seriously like for months, and I happened landed on Magic for some reason haha.. Alright, so after a LONG time searching cards and testing different combinations and playtyles, I have come up with a pretty nice deck!!

My deck is fit to the meta adjustments due to: Onis Spellsword, Starshard Bolts, Tracking Bolts, Choralis, Time-Bombs, Leyhoards Hatchlings, Guild Enforcers and Crystal Rains! (wich btw, is still strong after nerf.) while having the playstyle I was intending to!

I'm very proud of what I could achieve, even if it is in its 1st version... I think I could really make it functional and fun to play! And it even has its amount of "surprise factor" through delving legendaries up to 16 legendaries in a single match! (not joking, stay tuned).

Along with this we have the benefit from Runes Synergy, on creatures wipes.. Oh and a rune is a spell too! (Oni Spellsword + Rune of strenght = ? hahaha).
Speaking of wich, here is my "Runic Rank" for you guys! I love all runes and all are strong, but for the sake of a little curiosity of mine, here we go:

"Runic Rank"

1st: Rune of Strenght!


The reason it is first place, is because it is both offensive and deffensive.. you can use it in the turn to deal +2 damage in whatever you want, it gives your creature frontilne +2 health. Versatile, the best and strongest one.

2nd: Rune of Fire!


It serves as a good wiping tool, or a damage that your opponent does not expect, very strong in wichever of those scenarios here we are, Rune of Fire!
2 mana cost for 3 free damage, OP.

3rd: Rune of Health!


Really like this one too, asides from bein placed 3rd! This is because it is a very restricted situation to be able to benefit 100% from it! Not because it is not effective, but because of the probability of propper landing it.

4th: Rune of Sight!


It is like having a "Clear Mind" + draw a card.. But it really can help us out of bad situations or simply used as a token for our great big guy, Ocular Fiend! Either way, it's your call.


Yami Yugi's Rune Magic


Deck Breakdown

  • Back-Alley Vendor x2 (0.002234 ETH)


As much as it breaks my heart, if it comes to your hand at earlier stages use it! It is still one creature to help you clear the board while being better than nothing (1/2). But can be used AFTER dropping that full handded rune + Ocular Fiend for a true GG.

  • Deuteria, Manashard Mage (0.002229 ETH)


She fits very well here, as she and all her creatures are strong low-cost mana and fits in pretty much every round I need.. A round where maybe I'd have left 1 mana unused!

  • Third Eye Seer x2 (Welcome set)


This brother here brought me memories of earlier decks! He is very good on stats specially after Skeleton Heavy changing domain, and effect. Couldn't find his price tho idk why.

  • Time-Bomb x2 (0.000398 ETH)


An early pressure, yet a controller itself! Let the enemy deal with it, as he will most likely have to drop some wipe or play in a way he wouldn't, not to be affected by it.

  • Tomb Robber x2 (0.000122 ETH)


I really like her Hidden effect, this allong with her effect kind of compensates the lack of stats.. and you can be sure what she delves you will be a great tool for your victory!

  • Choralis Rune Moth (0.003538 ETH)


This card is one of those who inspired me on creating this deck.. Having "endless" 0 mana cost runes are OP on its effect itself to be used on meta, however, we could combo it even more with other cards sinergies such as we have in this deck.. to make something insane!

  • Oni Spellsword x2 (0.000811 ETH)


You guys might have seen this fella', and yeah he's here too! His sinergyses very well with the deck and runes as being spells! Having some of these dropped on Oni can take you to victory.

  • Crystal Rain x2 (0.000057 ETH)


It got nerfed today, however I did not take out of my mind completely! The reason being comparing it with Shaped Blast, even if it has less damage it still only affects the enemy! Something to think about..

  • Rune Writer x2 (Welcome set)


Runewriter along with Choralis was the other "Main" inspiration on mine on building this deck.. he was used in some decks in the past only because of his OP effect/stats, and this really made me want to make a deck in wich he synergizes and feel home.

  • Runestorm x2 (0.000272 ETH)


Top comboer of the deck. You can wait till your hand has dried a bit in cards to replenish some, or use it to combo right before droppin Back-Alley Vendor or Ocular Fiend.

  • Guild Enforcer x2 (0.000150 ETH)


He also has its place here.. He helps us hoarders to control a little bit more (sometimes) the game in order to have our great end-game comboes! Great card.

  • Ocular Fiend x2 (0.005090 ETH)


In order to get its max effect, one should be having always like 8 cards in hand (preferrably runes). This can destroy Wards but can be problematic against Armor so watch carefully. However is a creature + wipe.

  • Rune Smuggler x2 (0.000191 ETH)


This guy here fits like a glove in all the playstyle. To me the Hidden effect is just OP af! Plus he has some great stats for such a great effect that is delving 2 random runes.. All for a 6 cost!

  • Leyhoard Hatchling x2 (0.000122 ETH)


How couldn't this one be here? As the deck is very good in holding cards he is one of the best here. Free target damage, and it can be dropped along very easily having so much runes in hand.


Match Videos

*Quick Disclaimer!
I had two videos recorded guys but they got like Dark Screen with sound.. So I recorded them again haha... the second one has a Music playing so, if you prefer feel free to mute the video :)..

I made two changes to the deck while recording (after Crystal Rain Nerf). That's why, the deck code is here (not up there) as I did not wanted to troll you guys if you were to test my deck.

Changes made before recording.

  • Took out Crystal Rain x2 for Shaped Blast x2 (0.000600 ETH)


I have used shaped blast in other decks, and even before the nerf I thought of putting it here, a lot of damage to controll the board however we got to be carreful on the downside of damaging our own creatures.

  • Took out Guild Enforcer x2 for Wall of Lightning x2 (0.000011 ETH)


Pretty much the same here, great stats however has the downfall of not having armor and a buff of spellboost! Pretty solid, I like it even if it is not a creature and can't attack.


2nd video on Vimeo
(couldn't post on youtube, sources included)


Cool Photos + Ending




Well that's pretty much it! I really hope you liked this new baby of mine haha, I'm a deck enthusiast and this is really one of those things that makes me feel alive!

As F2P player, I'm very much appreciated on any kind of donations. If you wish to do so, imx: 0xd6172cb71ff683b10de11efa7127a13f6976a6f1
Hope this deck helps you or at least can make you laugh haha!

Thanks a lot for your time on reading this post! I'm looking foward to our great Gods Unchained Weekend Event.. Cya soon! o/



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