George, The Protector (Custom card constest)

George, The Protector

Hi all, since the start of the contest I wanted to participate but have no idea of what card to do, then I saw one game on twitch where the opponent of the streamer had one Polyhymnia, Aetheric on the board and he was in a difficult situation because he had nothing that could handle with that. I am not religious but later I had some thoughts about a particular saint that on his images he is killing a dragon with a lance, its Saint George, said as a saint protector, a deffensor and a helper in the difficult situations. I felt all this so relatable with the struggle against Polyhymnia, Aetheric that I had to do a card with this. So, I created George, The Protector.

I tried to fallow the concept of Saint George as being a protector, so my idea was of him being able to protect against board wipes, thats why he gives protect that work against Rapture Dance, Sole Survivor etc... and they can’t be destroyed, so Apocalypse Now will no work (I thought about give ward but then Apocalypse Now will still work). Frontline is more about defend your God.

The effect trigger in the end of your turn so the new creatures you summon will be protected, preventing it to be easy targets.

To make George, The Protector a Polyhymnia, Aetheric killer I choose to give him the ability to destroy enemy creatures with armor +3 or more, the ability will trigger when he is on the board, killing the monster that are on the board and the ones that will be summoned.

This ability will fits good on decks with creatures with low attack, since the armor now make it harder for them, and if in the future they keep adding armor or want to push armor numbers this card will be a response for that.

I tried to not make this card super overpowered but good against the overpowered ones that can change the game. One downside of this relic is that you cannot use other ones after use it.

While making this card I end up making a new type of relic, I would call it a relic “Hero”, that can’t be removed or changed for other, this “heroes” could have lots of different abilities that could interact anytime with the deck make him more powerfull.

Any thoughts on the card, just reply!

This post is in response to the following link.

The art on the card was taken on this site:
The autor is Gustave Moreau and the art is about Saint George, more details about it:

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