The Weekly Daniel #1: 7-16-2023 to 7-26-2023 A compilation of danielPosts from Discord

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Hey everyone! This is the start of a new maybe possibly reoccurring publication I'll be making in which I gather the juicy juicy deets scattered by Gods Unchained Executive Producer Daniel Paez on a mostly-weekly basis. (

❓❓"But rckmtl, isn't this silly?" you say. "As if an Exec. Producer would even be paying attention to a Discord, let alone hanging out and chatting often enough for us to need this article, right?"

And then I shake my head, smile coyly and point down to the huge info dump below.

🌊Catching Daniel randomly in the chat as he pops in out of seemingly nowhere has actually been one of the better ways to get bits of questions on specific details of GU projects answered. (or searching his name every few days is handy to do too)

He's been doing it long enough now I feel confident it's an approach he'll be continuing and that leads us to the reason for this series-

πŸ“šπŸ“°This information is important and highly desired by many. A -lot- of it is pure fresh alpha almost shocking in the ease it's imparted, compared to on other platforms where the same questions have received only silence or vague "soon... soon? yea, soon"'s.

But a huge portion of the playerbase not only is unaware of these direct-from-the-top infos being dropped, they don't even ever go into GU gen chat as it can be quite a chaotic place compared to the more manageable Community Run Discords.

(like [tst]lounge of @teamstreamteam come say hi!)

And even for Discord regulars it can be easy to miss a few posts or to have trouble following a thread of conversation that took place over hours. Or sometimes the question asker deletes their post; leaving things open to misinterpretation when trying to review. It's also hard to share the info with friends; who wants to be hunting down post links all day when they could be casting spells in a match instead!

So now, all the info is in one easy-to-reference-and-share place, wooo! I've started with the most recent past week. Going forward I'll be doing both new weeks as they are needed and catching up on archiving the backlog of danielPosts.

And don't worry, the rest won't have such a long intro; that's just this once!

One important last thing to note is that I have presented these posts without commentary to allow a more natural reading. This series is not meant to show or disavow support of any kind. It just is.

I will respond to questions in the comments though if anyone has them or wants to hear my take on any of the infos.
πŸ‘‰p.s. keep an eye out for The Weekly Dev, posting not long after this!

p.p.s FYI, I don't have access to a few of the channels like Mt Olympus so those might have even more juiciness to find!

🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

🌊 On the topic of the Star Store being out of stock frequently-

🌊 Responding about the miserableness of the ranking system-

🌊 Said after comments about the game being stale and un-motivating-

🌊 On concerns wrt Workshop Peeking(not deck) still being possible-

🌊 Confirming updates to prevent peeking will not hinder sites like GUDecks-

🌊 Reveal that the update plan is to do fully obfuscated names for all-
(Atlantean Rex did not respond in chat but it was confirmed during today's Council of Mortals meeting that this is the plan they will be going forward with)

🌊 When pressed for specifics if the debug.log will have no name/ID data-

🌊 On the topic of things being streaky(going first a bunch, etc...)-

🌊 Tagged in a dev about the randomness stuff; will double check on it-

🌊 Answering some bits and pieces about Sealed Mode and how it's coming-


🌊 wrt recent playerbase increases-

🌊 Minor extra info on new mechanics upcoming, mentioned during CoM-

🌊 Bulk forging is being worked on; maybe ready next expansion, maybe not-

🐠 This has nothing to do with anything, it was just funny-

And that wraps up 🌊The Weekly Daniel🌊for 7-17-2023 to 7-26-2023

Once ready, I'll link the companion piece to this-πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»The Weekly DevπŸ‘©β€πŸ’»which will collect any useful or interesting things the devs and other general GU team members share.

Disclaimer: "The Weekly..." may be posted at any interval. Weekly might mean two weeks+ if not much got said

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