Huginn and Muninn, intel of the gods.


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Hello fellow GU players! I hope you had a great weekend event.

Let me first thank @kephler for creating this awesome contest where we can let our imagination fly, and win some nice cards in the process.

Huginn and Muninn is my card for the Gods Unchained custom card contest. Flying they came to my imagination, if this card is on the board, you can consider yourself an omnipresent God!

Huginn and Muninn are the ravens that fly around Midgard -The world of man, middle earth between Asgard and Helheim- bringing information to Odin. Ravens are always depicted in Norse mythology around the ears of the characters or horses, and they are the main symbol for Odin's cult. That is to say, you are Odin!

My objective with this card was to power up the intel mechanic on GU, which I think is often left behind by most of the players, but oh boy! They think is important to check the opponent's deck on GUdecks before the match on the weekend ranked event, so, maybe this is a more legal way to do it.

I thought about this card being a relic, but I reached the conclusion that it would be overpowered, so I choose the backline.

As a backline, it will for sure beneficiate those who flood the board, and currently, Death, Nature, and Light decks could size the advantage of this card, and that's why I give it a neutral god, which would be you. The attack and defense of the card are the lowest possible because, if you are doing good use of the information, you should always maintain this card on the board, without being a direct threat to the opponent given the attack value. About the mana cost, I thought it should be very accessible without being a free throw in the first turns, where the info might provide a decisive early advantage, so, if you want it, you would have to sacrifice a mana shard. The tribe is Olympian because they go back and forth from the Olympus where Odin sits at his throne, so I find it fitting.

The quality of the card is merely aesthetical, so the last thing I want to mention is its rarity, which is epic because I think that it should be hard enough to obtain, but without being a pricey golden treasure.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. Have a great grind!

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