How I updated my F2P Nature deck!

Hello everyone!

A while ago I posted the decklist of my F2P nature deck I reached Mythic with.

First Nature Deck.JPG

Since then I earned some epic DO packs with weekend ranked and minted some of my plain core cards to earn funds to buy some affordable upgrades for my deck to improve. At the time I had enough with about $10 to change all cards I was unsure/unhappy about, which is relatively easy to reach as a F2P player.

My idea was that I wanted to maintain the playstyle/strategy of my deck. For that reason I searched for cards which fulfill a similar role as the card I'm changing it for. For finding possible improvements I used and can highly recommend the card ranking list of GUdecks. I filtered the winrate on the last 30 days and filtered on nature cards. The great thing about the GUdecks is that it also shows the ETH price, so you can instantly see if the card is affordable with your budget. From there you just hover over the cards and see if you like the card and its effect.

This is my new and improved decklist:
Upgraded Nature Deck.JPG

Some noticable changes are:

2x Hunt warden → 2x Rabid Bear
It still fulfills the role of a 3 mana 3/4 but you get the option the make it a 4/4 with confused which could be better in certain situations.

Wetland ogre → Starving Sabertooth
Wetland ogre is a plain 4/5 statted minion, where sabertooth can get regen when trading, which fits my playstyle of board control/trading.

Dune Cavalry + Mire Bloodworm → Celestial Stag
Celestial Stag is a great card as blessed can help you get ahead in favor or disrupt the opponent, and the ability to get random nature cards can give a lot of value when left alive.

2x Frost Giant Deadshot → Green Giant + Giant Pangolin
I used Frost Giant mostly for removal but I felt that the 4/5 body lacked impact, which led me to fall behind around turn 7. Giant Pangolin is still immediate removal, but the 2 armor and 6 attack make it more annoying to deal with. The Green Giant is not immediate removal but can clear the board using it's overkill effect and is a very big threat compared to a 4/5.
However, if you're facing a lot of order or backline players it could be nice to still use Frost Giant Deadshot so you are able to clear them more easily, but I personaly don't face them that often.

Lastly I felt that I had a lot of 1, 2 and 6 drops (with Best Friends, Canopy Barrage & Hired Muscle being my least favorite). I also lacked 5 mana cards, and something I could play around turn 5 until I'm able to play my big 6 mana cards.

I decided to add an extra Starving Sabertooth, as it works nicely with my board control/trading playstyle. To add more 5 mana cards 2x Brazen Moose was perfect. The card has blessed, which like Celestial Stag can be very helpfull and incredible stats (5 mana 6/6) with the only downside of having confused. It is shockingly affordable (below $1) for its high winrate.

So these are the improvements I made, I've noticed that I can reach Mythic fairly easily now and that I can compete with the more meta decks. When I get more funds from playing I will look at the more costly cards, mostly legendaries, which can improve my deck even further.

Some of the dream cards I'm saving for are:

  • Avatar Of Nature to replace Ogre Archer
  • Finnian Fruitbearer to replace Skeleton Heavy
  • Watchtower Of Agrodor to replace Minotaur Phalanx

Some of these still take a lot of playing to earn, but it is nice to have a goal to work towards! :D

Thanks for reading my rather long explanation of my journey to improve in Gods Unchained!


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