One Month Playing Gods Unchained!

I can finally post again. My computer broke down and it took me almost 2 months to fix it. This post was supposed to be out by now, so it's a bit late. It's a summary of my first month playing Gods Of Unchained.

Before I continue with the post, I'd like to inform you that the game recently had a serious update regarding the earnings of the $GODS token, and this post will only serve to compare what the first month was like before and after this major update.

With my simple deck in Auric Gold (Rank 9) in the first month, the decks in this rank seem to be elite, only changing the quality of the cards, so much so that I have already faced several decks identical to those of the legend players, in other words, now it only depends on my skill and some upgrades to my deck.

I don't think the reward is bad, and without any investment I am managing to farm almost 3$GODS per day (when I play all 10 games). I wonder how much I should farm with a deck of quality above Meteorite, I only need a few cards from the welcome set to make it all Meteorite quality.

My deck

Starter Deck

This was the aggro deck that I started my journey with, practically all the cards were from the starting decks, I managed to climb very well with it to the Twilight Shadow rank.

First Updates

These were the first modifications I made to the deck, I chose to buy the common cards because they were much cheaper, with these updates I managed to reach the Midnight Shadow rank (Rank 8) and sometimes go up to Auric Gold (Rank 9) but I couldn't stay at that rank and fell a few games later.

Current Deck

This is my current deck, missing some cards to become very strong, almost identical to the aggro decks of the legend league, missing only the cards Woodcutter Imp, Oddi Valkas Heralds, Master Tactician and Leviathan Hunter, with this deck I can stay in the Auric Gold rank (Rank 9) and sometimes in Solar Gold (Rank 10) but I get massacred there.


Practically all of my purchases were aimed at my main War deck, some others came from packs won in the weekend events, unfortunately I played these events I think only twice, but they even gave me a Shamdow rarity card in one of these packs.

My Loot

My first month playing I managed to farm around 35.23$GODS Tokens, in addition to 5 legendary and 24 epic from the Core Set in addition to countless common and rare ones, it is worth remembering that I was not able to play every day, and still managed to farm this amount of cards and tokens, in addition to that in the first weeks I farmed very few tokens due to the lack of cards and the low rank, certainly the next month will be much better even playing the same amount of games.


I finished my journey at lvl 38, and stabilized at Auric Gold (Rank 9), I think I can go further, many of the matches I lost due to pure mistakes and not being able to predict the opponent's main plays, my collection ended the month worth $18.61, not bad for my first month.

Next moves

How can so much change in 2 months? My initial plans were to just strengthen by buying the expensive cards that were missing to complete the aggro war deck and then start building another deck for fun, but in this last update I will have to drastically rethink that, I played a match to test how many shards I would gain and I was horrified by the amount gained, around 0.59 shards with my almost all meteorite deck.

With that in mind, I'm going to use the $GODS I have left to increase the quality of the cards in my deck. Otherwise, I'll earn almost nothing by playing. Luckily, I have a good amount of tokens left to make some of them gold quality and improve them a bit.

Another detail that I'm curious about is how new players will get the $GODS tokens? If I'm not mistaken, they're even necessary to transform the free core cards into NFT meteorites so they can be sold on the market. In other words, to enter the game now, you'll have to make a small deposit, right? Or is there another way to farm $GODS?

Useful sources and links:

Site Oficial:

Weekend rewards spreadsheet:

weekend reward status:

Collection Value:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column