Big Beasts: Bigger and Beastier

Big beast nature used to be my favorite archetype when I first started playing Gods Unchained. Unfortunately, the big beasts of the day got steadily powercrept by stronger removals. Without ward or protected, their slightly improved stat lines couldn't keep up and they generally paid for the extra stats by being confused. In short, it became to easy to remove the 3-5 mana drops on curve.

BOTW brought new tools to the table. I decided to take another look at Big Beasts to see what I could do with it.

The Deck


Deck Code:

Here's my overall record for the last two version of the deck:


The last change I made was to swap out a Falling Star for my freshly-purchased Hortuk.


The 3 and 4 mana "big beasts" aren't all that big and are pretty easy for most control decks to shut down these days. So instead, I take advantage of strong removal options to get me into the 5-6-7 mana range. Honestly, I'm questioning the Black Jag, but it does draw out removal early from control lists and also can help keep aggro under control.

So 1-4 mana slots look a lot like a control list, but with a few extra creatures to pressure true control decks. Shapeshifter combos so well with Sudden Bloom and his stat line + hidden + roar just makes him a great fit all around.

At 5 mana, the Big Beasts start to come out.


5 Mana

Valewarden is a nature fit. He gives up 2 stat points compared to a vanilla 5 mana creature, but you get heal and another 7 drop when he dies. Guild Enforcer is a solid card. Yes, Blade of Whiteplain cancels him, but in this list it doesn't feel like too big a deal. Still, for Mythic play, you may want to find a replacement. The Moose is an option, but I just don't love confused on creatures at 5+ mana.

6 Mana

Green Giant. "Wait, but you just said!" Yea I know. He's confused. However, the overkill offsets the confusion and 8 HP at 6 mana soaks a ton of removal spells. Note that unlike Big Beast decks of yesteryear, I'm not running The Hunt. Instead, I'm running 2x Sudden Bloom. Part of this is because we now have Ember Oni, but against control we need offense at 6-7 mana. Against aggro, if we're needing to Hunt at 6 mana, we've probably lost. We don't have some huge top end to stall for.

7 Mana

Ember Oni of course. Gives this deck the oomph needed to close the door against aggro. It can also be helpful in some control match up situations.

But I really want to talk about Albino Hydra.


Hot take: it's better than Charging Oryx.

Yes, Charging Oryx can go face if played on an empty board. At 7 mana, control decks rarely have empty boards and aggro decks have already lost. The randomness of the hit makes it unreliable. AND, Oryx takes damage. Against 7 drops, he usually takes a lot of damage. This makes him easy to remove.

Hydra has a built-in lightning strike. 6 damage is a critical break point for damage, because it executes Witherfingers, Demos, and many other threats. One of the widely-loved things about Hortuk is that he answers Demo so well. Ditto the Hydra.

God Power

Selena's Mark against aggro. Animal Bond against control.

Gameplay 1

This is against Control War topping out with Anagreos and Avatar of War.

1 Mana

I took the wrong GP here assuming aggro war. I got a great mulligan, though. With lists that are top heavy, if you can find a 1 and 2 drop, you're feeling good. Marsh Walker for 1 mana is great for establishing the board early.

2 Mana

This is a bit tricky. On the one hand, I hate to burn a Lightning Strike on a Warden. On the other, we have lots of other solid removal in the deck so I decide to use it.

3 Mana

Taking 6 damage feels bad, but we've got heal in the deck and we can't leave that 3/3 alive.

4 Mana

More options for how to play this turn. I could have traded in the Marsh Walker and taken 2 face damage clearing the 1/1s, but I decide to take 2 more damage to face to save the Walker. I realize this isn't an aggro list now, and he doesn't have the Slayer GP, so it's not too bad.

5 Mana

He has an incredibly weak turn, so I'm guessing he has a bricked hand. Good for now, but he'll be dangerous at 7 mana if we can't get way ahead. The rune helps me clear the board and keep the favor coming in. I also remember to get the FFB equipped without confusing one of my own creatures. I'm hoping to top-deck a Sudden Bloom in the next two turns. FFB will help a lot with it. Plus, it's mana efficient.

5.5 Mana

Take 10 to the face?! Haha no of course not. Falling Star will do the trick.

6 Mana

The power of Falilng Star is clear on this turn. It handled the last creature but also handles the Whitefur. I decide to play Briar because I'm not that worried about relics and I want a stronger board.

6.5 Mana

Getting Guild Enforcer down here feels OK. He's going to get some solid backup next turn from the Hydra.

7 Mana

Great example of the power of the Hydra. Knocks out the Oni and doesn't let him leech. An Oryx in hand here would be worse in basically every way. I also decide to hold on to my last durability on the relic. Again, hoping for Sudden Bloom.

7.5 Mana

Canopy Barrage was a fine top deck, but honestly we had his board cleared either way. I opt for the Hydra just to get lethal on board. That's GG.

Gameplay 2

This deck is actually pretty good at beating control magic. Our biggest problem is getting a bricked early hand (which we do here), but as you can see, slow control decks make that less of an issue.

Throughout the early game, notice the removal spells used up on my aggro-looking threats. Then at 6 mana a Green Giant hits the board and you can almost hear the "Oh Shit!" Burns two bolts on it leaving 3 cards in hand. Minotaur gives us yet another 7 drop, and it's all just too much to keep up with.

Of course, at 7 mana Hydra once again gets to shine clearing the frontline. Once again, better than the Oryx. When the game ends, note how many removal spells I have in hand. I'm not worried about Helian's dropping at 8, and I've got plenty of power to finish before 9 mana and Poly.

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