We are back baby! Bigdog's Wild Nature

Howdy! I am an ex-competitive player for MTG (still play MTGA <3). I never got into hearthstone, but man, I got really into GU a while back. I was always Free to play and made my way up to mythic pretty quick. I wanted to see if I still had the chops for this bull market in GU, so lets see what we put together!

Coming back I was able to buy some cool cards with tokens I've earned from playing + the ETH from selling the cards when I was playing a year or 2 ago. I've still yet to put a dollar into this game, but the earnings have let me build some sweet decks for all the heros. I never played with nature much before because I wanted (and didnt own) Underbrush Boars. Now that I have them, we are playing Nature for real, for the first time! Fitting for a Bull market, its named after a wild creature after all XD

Here is my Wild West Nature deck! I find this deck is pretty strong in all areas, making for a balanced deck in the meta. We can aggro down mages, and still beat contol in the long game with extra card value. We have a nice kit of removal ourself, keeping aggro in check as well.

All in all, its a pretty fun deck. Playing cards like Pen Howler, Celestial Stag, and Valewarden are great to generate value, plus they also keep every game feeling a bit different <3

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