How to win with Frenzied Aggro War Deck - 82% winrate (Cheap Deck)

Hey everyone!

I'm following up on my introduction from yesterday, where I promised a guide on my favorite deck at the moment.

In the past, I played a lot of Onslaught War decks. I have previously liked slower, mid-range/control decks, but lately I've had great fun with this very aggressive, fast-paced deck called "Frenzied Aggro War Deck".

This is a pretty cheap deck, with replacements for the most expensive cards, which I will cover in detail further down in this post. This is a deck where you focus on getting board control early, keeping your minions alive until you get to turn 4/5 and you can drop the big buffs on your creatures that are still on the board. After you have buffed creatures and fully have control over the board, we will push damage to the face and put the opponent on a timer with the Slayer God Power that consistently deal damage to their god.

Your minions have to survive the early removal decks have, so try to play around them. The most notable early game removal cards are explained in depth further down in the post.

What cards are included?

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" "image.png""
This is a relatively cheap deck, with most of the costs coming from these two cards: "image.png"
Master tactician can be replaced by the 2 mana 2-4 vanilla Skeleton Heavy.
hyrtacus can be replaced by one 4-mana (another) Another Round or any other good 5/6 drop.

Mana curve

" "image.png""
As you see, it's centered around 2-mana cost cards, which means that we play aggressive in the beginning, always use the mana pip to play a 2-cost minion at turn 1 followed up by a new 2-cost minion to establish board control.


Hopefully, you would have mulliganed into Enduring Shield, which is the best card to have on hand. One enduring shield played on turn one, followed up by one Warmonger Smith + a three-drop on turn three is the optimal hand you can play.

  1. I look hard for Enduring shield first. I usually replace the highest cost card, because we want early low-mana cost cards.
  2. Once I have the Enduring shield, I look hard for Warmonger Smith
  3. If i have all of these, I look for a 2- or 3-drop that can be played at turn 3.

If you are lucky, you will end up with something like this, and the game is a breeze.

Hero Power

" "image.png""
Slayer is really strong at the moment. By trading early and having board control, you have some minions on the board as turn 4-5 comes around. At this timing I like to go more aggressive and put the opponent on the clock. The slayer god power helps with this. So once you have control over the board, try to fit in a few god powers to break your opponent slowly down over time. This is a good god power to close out games, even through frontline units.

Early removal to watch out for in most decks

Nature: has canopy barrage (2 mana, 4 damage to a random unit), low-hanging fruit (1 mana, 1 damage to a random unit with the lowest health), and lightning strikes (3 mana, 8 damage to a random unit). The best prevention here is to get the board as wide as possible, to avoid the removal hitting the "right" target. Nature usually also plays with the 1 damage to a random unit god power, so playing wide helps with that too.

Death: Blight bomb (1 mana, destroy a unit with 3 health or less). Try to keep your minions above this threshold and avoid playing "Master tactician" into a death player on turn 1/2, it might swing in the death player's favor. If you have to, do it, of course. That means one less blight bomb in his hand.

Magic: has many removal spells that are targetable. Here I suggest just playing normally without thinking too much about it since it is hard to do much to avoid it, rather than play enough cards for them to run out of removal.

Deception: Here it varies greatly depending on the different decks they run, but Hunting trap (2 mana, deal damage to a creature equal to it's strenght). If your creature is low on hp, it can easily be cleared by this card. This also includes buffed creatures, if you drop a Redfume Serum on a minion and buff it 5-5 it can just be removed by hunting trap if strenght >= health so watch out.

Light: has one card to look out for called Lights Levy (3 mana, Transform a creature with strength 2 or less into a 2/2 Acolyte. Gain control of the Acolyte) This is important to keep in mind to not lose a 2-4 or 2-2 protected minion just to this spell.

My stats after the nerf to Einar and the 5-drop Guild Enforcer.

Only played 12 matches so far, but it seems to perform well. I had a winrate of 75-80% before the nerfs over 40-50 games.
" "image.png""

After the nerf there might be better replacements to these cards, but right now my deck feels really good.

" "image.png"" This unit had 2 armor last week and was included into the deck, but I feel like it's too weak and too slow to include with only 1 armor. " "image.png""
Einar was really good before the nerf. The text has changed. Before it was: "deal strongest creature's strength as damage to your opponent's weakest creature, or if they have no creatures, your opponent's GOD." Now he instead of dealing damage to the opponent's god, can seppuku.

That's a quick (that became longer than I was planning) guide to how I play this deck. Test it out and let me know what you think. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section.
If you have suggestions to the deck feel free to let me know! I haven't fully decided on replacements to einar and guild enforcer yet, so very open to suggestions.

Deck link:


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What other guides would you like to read? Also would you guys be interested in gameplay footage of me playing with this deck with commentary on how I choose to play?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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