A more aggressive variant of my frenzied aggro war deck (0.09 ETH, 83% winrate)

A more aggressive variant of my frenzied aggro war deck

After a comment by @kephler on my previous, where he asked why I ran 2x guild enforcers in a very aggressive deck, I decided to try out 2x Sharpens instead of 2x guild enforcers, but decided to first try the change with 1x Sharpen instead of 1x Guild Enforcer.

So far the deck has worked out pretty well. I really want to have 2x Pyramid Wardens too, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for such an investment into the cards yet. (All upvotes I get on HIVE will go towards getting 2x Pyramid Wardens.)

The deck after the changes:


I decided to document one game to give a better sense on how I play Frenzied Aggro War

I will continue to give guides and share my thoughts on how to play in the coming days. Are you guys interested in gameplay footage with commentary? :)

I always choose the Slayer Godpower

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In the mulligan I ended up with 1x Valka's captain, 1x Sharpen, 1x Raid Reveller

I decided to keep these cards because:

  1. Valka's Captain (I like to keep this card in two situations. The first condition is that I don't have another weapon in hand. Valka's summons a weapon, and that means that I have 1 wasted weapon, and I dont like that. The other situation is when i have a card to buff my weapon damage, giving me really good trades in the first turns of the game. Here I have Sharpen
  2. Sharpen; I keep this card because I will coin out Valka's Captain on turn 1, giving me a weapon and a minion on turn 1. I also kept this card because it's the one I'm testing out for this deck. I would probably not keep it if it was a tournament game.
  3. Raid Reveller is always a solid 3-drop. I keep this minion unless I mulligan Oddi, Valka's Herald

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I coin out Valka's Captain.

I also drew a Warmonger Smith, which will also buff my wep on the next turn + give me another minion on the board. Great draw. Now I can deal with any 3 health creature nature might play at turn 1 with a coin such as jaguar/boar.
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My opponent only hero powers. He either doesn't want to play 1 minion to get oneshot by my weapon, or doesn't have any minons to play.

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He plays low-hanging fruit and hero power to kill my Valka's Captain. I keep my weapon, and kill the 1-1 with my warmonger smith. And play the strong 3-drop with protected. Looks very good so far. I have 2x sticky minions and a 3 dmg weapon ready.

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He only Hero powers again.

My opponent is playing a very late-game deck, meaning I have play fast and be the aggressor. I therefore play my 2-3 with blitz on an empty board, just to get tempo.
My opponents deck: https://gudecks.com/decks/GU_1_5_BBdBBdCApCAqCAqCAsCAsCAwCAxCAxCBxCBxCCFCCHCCOCCOCCoCCoCDUCDUCDfCDfHAwHAwIAPIAPIDFIDMIDNIDN?godPowers=101311&creator=CuongTran&userId=735499&archetype=Big%20Beasts%20Nature

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He plays a veteran archer, I play Orcish Elite and trade. I have 9 damage in hand and potential 2 dmg from hero-power. The game is very close to being done. I played fast and didn't let my opponent get to his expensive cards.

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He plays a 5 mana 5-5 (Valewarden Minotaur) and I play a Redfume serum on my orcish elite, buffing it 5-5 and trade + hitting face with it.

I like Redfume serum on Orcish Elite, because this unit can both trade and win board control and deal damage to the face. It's a 2-for-1 deal if you ask me!
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My opponents understand that he's done and he concedes.
I still have 9 damage in hand and 2 damage from hero-power if he does have something to clear my board here.
So far I really like Sharpen. It increases my one-turn-kill potential and offers for some good trades.

This is a post to share how I think when I'm playing. My thought process and how I use the cards in this deck.

I hope this is valuable for you guys, and let me know if you have any questions regarding this deck.
Also, feel free to leave suggestions on what cards to test out/replace in the deck I'm currently playing.


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