Gods Unchained Custom Card Entry: Djafu's Soul Mirror

Hey everyone! Here's my entry for #MyGodsUnchainedCustomCard

My custom card is called "Djafu's Soul Mirror".


The name comes from a city in GU Lore that was Anubian, but overtaken and renamed by Olympians.

It's a legendary, 4 mana, 0 Attack, 3 Health card exclusive to Death. It would have Ward, and Order 10, as well as the unique ability: All damage done to a god is also done to the opposing god.

I think this could be used in some really cool combos, and make certain cards like Void Banshee and Crimson Oni a bit more powerful. Would be really cool to combine with a zombie deck, as well as other legendary cards like The Harvester!

It may need to loose Ward to be better balanced, but I think where it's at is a good place to start. Let me know what you think!

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