Gods Unchained - The most important skill to have as a GU player

Having played the game for a few weeks now and this one thing has become clear to me. There are a lot of people in the lower levels of the game that keep doing this. And it is seriously bad for their games. What am I talking about? Read on and find out. =)

Look for lethal

Yes, it is that simple. In the games, I have played many of my opponents have missed lethal. And by that, I mean missed the chance to kill me. And of course, this is bad because they do not know what I will top deck, or if I am waiting for the last card in my combo.

And I am only talking about the damaged that I can see. Meaning the creatures that are in play, hero power, and any potential weapon that is equipped. And if I were to have known the cards they had on hand. It probably would be even more games where my opponents have missed lethal.

The sooner you will add the habit, of checking if you have lethal damage. The faster you will be able to take the game to the next level. Because remember, ultimately the victor is the player who kills their opponent first. There is no price for second place. Well unless you play in a tournament, then there probably is.

How to check for lethal

What I like to do when my opponent has loosed some health. I will try and regularly check how much guaranteed damage I can make. This means adding up the damage my creatures can do, minus the most effective way to kill any guarding creatures. I exclude any creatures with confusion. Then I look at the cards in my hand. Do I have any buffs, pure damage cards, or weapons? Add those together. Then compare it to the hitpoints my opponent has.

Creatures with confusion

The next part I look at is do I have creatures with confusion. Adding them, do that now put me over my goal? If yes, then I attack with the confused creatures first. This is because they only have a 50% chance to hit the desired target. And if they miss. Then I no longer have lethal. And if that is the case I might have to rethink the plan and maybe trade and go for board control instead.

This of course depends on the situation. If I have a lot of hitpoints myself then maybe I will go all in, to the face. But this is something you will develop a feel for. Also the matchup you're playing against factors into the decision as well. Can my opponent wipe all my creatures with a card? If so then trading is probably better than risking losing all your creatures while they keep theirs.

Here I am facing a very dire situation, my opponent has several times lethal on the board.

Creatures with confusion are a bit tricky when it comes to checking if you have lethal or not. There are only two times you can ignore the fact that your creatures have confused. These are if your opponent has no creatures in play. Then they can only hit face. The second time is if your opponent has 1 creature with guard. And you want to use your confused creature to kill that creature.

Because if there is only one creature with guard, it is guaranteed your creature will hit that one. As soon as there are two creatures with guard, and you need to hit a specific one. Then you are back to the 50% chance again. But often you can kill the first creature eliminating the 50% chance.

I hope that you now will start looking more actively for lethal in your games. And it should lead to more and faster wins for you. If you see any errors or mistakes in y post please let me know. And if you have any topic you would like me to cover. Leave a suggestion in the comment section down below.

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See you on the interwebs!

Picture provided by: Screenshots by me, Gods Unchained Media


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