The Pharaoh has arrived | Gods Unchained card contest


Hello friends, this is my letter of introduction to all of you, my first post in the community. I've recently downloaded the game, so I'm just a newbie compared to most of the people around here. But I love it and it reminds me in a way of Yugi oh haha. ¡Long live card games!

For this occasion I have to participate in the contest of my friend @kephler, and I bring for you my card: The Pharaoh

I wanted to use the image of a girl as a pharaoh, keeping in mind that the pharaoh has always been a male figure, so I wanted to do something different. This card has an interesting ability: Distorting things or reality, in that sense it reverses the values of magic and attack of the opposing team, for example if an enemy has +3 magic when this card makes its appearance, the enemy's level goes to -3 magic, the same will happen with the attack, it will be reversed.

This ability makes it a fearsome card, it practically annuls its rivals, on the other hand it has very little mana (4) and enough HP (12), added to that 5 attack with which it also damages its enemies.

It is a war card, golden and with mythic rarity2, much more powerful than a legendary. Finally it belongs to the mythological category, alluding to ancient times.

Well friends, I hope you like this card, it is my special edition and has an amount greater than 100$ haha.

Thanks for reading

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