The Test of Champions: What God do you serve?

Mortals! You have heard about the Trial of the Gods and how the champions completed theirs to prove their utmost loyalty to the Gods.

What about you, mortal? What God do you serve? Do you have what it takes to follow your path?

Take your test right now to see where your path leads you. Will you be a faithful follower of the God of Light Thaeriel? Or do you serve the almighty Auros - the God of War? It's your chance to find out!

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A closer look at the test

Here is what the test would look like.

  • There are 10 questions, divided into 3 different parts
  • Most of the questions will be multiple-choice, and you get to choose one among the options
  • There are no RIGHT or WRONG , so don't pressure yourself
  • You only need less than 10 minutes to complete the whole test

The results of the test will tell you what God would you most likely be serving. It will also tell something about yourself, depending on your answers.

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The Weekend Ranked is here. Aside from the grinds, why not have some fun with this fun little test on the Gods and their Champions? Feel free to post your results down in the comment section to let others know! I hope you all have a good time with this one!

Axii Out!

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