Jan 19th balance patch with updated card images

Hi all, Axii here. The new balance patch will be launched very soon, and below are the exact changes with the edited card images.

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Please visit the link below for the original post from Gods Unchained official Discord:

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- Clear Mind - Foresee 1 Foresee 2.

- Crystal Watcher - Change mana from 4 to 3.

- Phalanx Lieutenant - Change stats from 4/1 to 5/3.

- Inspiring Skald - “Roar: If you are frenzied, give twin strike to the (weakest creature) strongest creature in your hand.”

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- Caged Berserker - Change from 5 to 4 mana.

- Counterfeit – “If your opponent has a relic equipped and you don’t, destroy it and equip a copy of your opponent’s relic. Otherwise, draw a card.”

- Covetous Cutthroat – Change stats from 3/3 to 4/4

- Anubian Redeemer – Change stats from 4/5 to 4/6

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- Archangel Bruiser - Change health from 3 to 2.

- Sole Survivor - “Give (+5 strength) +3 strength to one of your creatures, then deal its strength as damage to each other creature.”

- Sudden Bloom - “Give a random friendly creature (+5/+5) +4/+4. If you are frenzied, also give it overkill and twin strike.”

- Warmonger Smith – “Roar: give your relic (+2 strength) +1 strength for its next attack.“

- Moonlight Charm – Change stats from 1/3 to 0/3
“(At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied,) Ability: give +2/+2 to your strongest creature and -1 durability to this relic.“

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- Finnian Fruitbearer – Change stats from 2/3 to 2/2

- Oddi, Valka’s Herald – Remove "Backline".

- Blight Bomb – “Destroy a creature with (health 3) health 2 or less.”

- Just a Nibble – “Deal 1 damage to a friendly creature and heal your god for (7) 5.”

- Giant Pangolin - “Armor 2 Armor 1. Blitz. Confused.”

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- Safeguard Incantation - ”Draw a card. Give ward (to each creature in your hand) and protected to your god.”

- Enchanted Chariot - Change mana cost from 1 to 4. Change stats from 2/1 to 3/3. Change text from “Roar: Deal 1 damage to an enemy creature.” to ”Roar: Draw a structure from your deck.”

- Twisting Talisman - Change mana from 1 to 2. Change stats from 1/3 to 0/2. Change text from “Flank. After you attack a creature with this relic, if the creature survives, swap the creature's strength and health.” to ”Ability: Swap a creature’s strength and health. Give -1 durability to this relic.”

- Blazing Talisman - Change mana from 3 to 2. Change stats from 1/3 to 0/1. Change text from “Ability: Give all enemy creatures burn +1 and give -1 durability to this relic.” to ”After an enemy creature attacks your god, give it burn +1. When a creature with burn dies, give your creatures +1 regen.”

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- Lightning Talisman - Change stats from 1/3 to 0/3.
Change text from “After your god attacks a creature with this relic, give that creature "At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random friendly character." to ”After your god is damaged, deal 2 damage to the strongest enemy creature then 1 damage to the weakest enemy creature, and give -1 durability to this relic.”

- Enraging Talisman - Change stats from 1/4 to 0/2. Change mana from 4 to 2.
Change text from “After you attack an enemy creature with this relic, if it survives, give the creature "At the start of your turn, give each enemy creature +1 strength." to ”Ability: Give each creature +1 strength and deal 1 damage to them. Give -1 durability to this relic.”

- Glaring Talisman - Change mana from 4 to 2. Change stats from 3/3 to 0/3.
Change text from “After your god attacks a creature with this relic, give order +3 to that creature.” to ”After an enemy creature attacks your god, give order +3 to that creature, then give -1 durability to this relic.”

- Plague Talisman - Change mana from 4 to 2. Change stats from 1/2 to 0/3.
Change text from “After you damage a creature with this relic, if the creature survives, transform it into a 1/1 Zombie.” to New Ability: Umbral Plague. Ability: give a creature “at the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to both gods.”, then give -1 durability to this relic.

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- Rolling Thunder - “Summon two 3/3 Thunder Callers. If you are frenzied, (summon three instead) draw the strongest Viking in your deck and reduce its cost by 1.”

- Righteous Apparition – “Backline. Ability: Give (order +3) order +2 to an enemy creature.”

- Ghostform – (Pick one - Give order +10 to a creature in your hand. - Draw a card.)
Give order +2 to a creature and draw a card.

- Ring of the Siren – Change stats from 0/4 to 0/3. “Give a creature (order +1) order +2 and give -1 durability to this relic.”


- Magnetic Blast - Magnetic Blast can now target unarmored creatures.

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