Introduction of a newbie: Axii96

Hello everyone!

I'm Axii96 and I'm a newcomer to this awesome game. I have just started playing about 2 weeks ago and decided to main this game from now on! A friend of mine told me to check this game out and I did. I got hooked and played for some good 3-4 hours every day since.

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Above is my 25-year-old gamer face, all the way from a South-East Asia country of Vietnam! I always liked gaming since I was a kid, especially card games. I played a bit of Hearthstone, Gwent, Artifact (LUL), and now, Gods Unchained. It's surprising that not many people here know about the game when I first joined, but I can tell it's really growing in popularity day by day.

I really like the idea of actually owning the cards you have within the game. I opened some packs, came across IMX and tokentrove, forged some extra cards and started selling them about a week ago. I was so surprised by the ease to do so and I was totally telling myself something like: Okay dude, this shit is real, you better start grinding son! :D Of course I was worried about the p2w factor a little bit, but seeing some people got to Mythic by using f2p decks, my fears faded right away and the grind started (right now I'm just a noob Gold, so plenty of rooms for improvement)

I started to watch some streams and visited communities via Discord, Reddit and most recently PeakD, Hive. I actually needed some help to be able to sign up for Hive, but that just proved that the community is super friendly and nice, especially to newcomers. (thanks @copperpitch , @verbalshadow , @acidyo for the help via Discord)

I also found out about the custom card maker website and decided to goof around once in a while with some stupid ideas (just for fun, no way my cards are playable :D)

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Right now everything is going well with the game and I can see myself playing this game for a good couple of years in the future.
Thanks for reading, the TED talk ends here (sadly), see yall again soon!


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