Best F2P Death cards to grab right now

Death is the domain of resilience, darkness, and sacrifices. It's definitely one of the coolest Gods to play in Gods Unchained. In order to help newer players quickly get to know Malissus and her army, let's go through some of the best Death cards that are approachable, strong, and effectively cheap to grab from the market.

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I am Axii and it's great to be back with another newbie-friendly article that revolves around the God of Death. Keep in mind that the card choices are subjective and all stats are collected using GU Decks website in the past 30 days.

Let's dive right in, shall we?

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1 mana

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1. Blight Bomb ($0.69) What a cool card to start off the list. And when I said "cool", I actually meant "f-ing annoying" and "greatly imbalance" to say the least. It's the cheapest "destroy" card that insta-kills most early creatures and goes through protected. Personally, I can see a nerf or rework coming to Blight Bomb.


Blight bomb is the most played Death card, and the stats somewhat implied that people usually run 2 copies of it.

2. Undead Roach ($0.39) Just like a roach IRL, Undead Roach is quite an annoying card that keeps coming back and back. The card goes well with Soul Burn god power, letting you have a 1 mana, 2/2 creature on the board every turn for the sake of board presence. The card is #26 in popularity, and among the most played DO cards.

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2 mana

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1. Voracious Fiend ($0.1) Zombie and Death just... go together and Voracious Fiend is a very common card within many variants of Zombie deck. The leech and afterlife abilities are 2 very lore-friendly abilities and very much suit the playstyle of the God of Death. And it's dirt cheap!

2. Living Container ($1.13) I like the design of this card a lot. Given that many Death creatures have an afterlife effect, this card can trigger such ability, temporarily remove the creature but immediately bring it back, buffed and ready to go (again). The synergies are definitely there and I've seen some decent combo with it in my matches.

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3 mana

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For the 3-mana division of Death, I'd like to introduce 2 signatures non-attackable cards that can be extremely frustrating to play against if you don't have any proper answer.

1. Cursed Obelisks ($1.51) Oh boy, here we go again! Zombie is one of the most viable Death archetypes in the current meta, and hardly any Zombie decks would miss out on Cursed Obelisks. Turns out, the Undead Roach isn't the only creature that keeps coming back. To get rid of this backline, 4 health creature, you either need a spell or a large enough board presence to get to it. Again, Soul Burn is a perfect god power to go with the card since the frenzied part is quite easy to achieve.

2. Dreaming Sceptre ($0.9) This relic is a tool for Death to control the board. Although you destroy creatures in exchange god health, Death is the domain that has so many ways to regain health if not the most ways: zombie is a thing, Just a nibble is a thing, Raving Necromancer is a thing... It's the player's job to balance self-wound and healing within a deck by adjusting their cards. Lots of newer players fail to do this, leading to quicker losses with Dreaming Sceptre. One more thing to keep in mind: its ability does not work on Warded creatures!

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4 mana

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1. Decaying Rhino ($0.13) Decaying Rhino is just another value card. At 4 mana, the 5/6 body seems like a good big beast nature card. The downside ability is kinda meh since a 5/5 is still a really strong board presence. Again, the Soul Burn god power comes in clutch if you cannot set up frenzied manually.

2. Void Flash ($5.59) A very good control card that synergizes well with Death in general. If you are playing zombies, you can easily sack a 1/1 Zombie to destroy any enemy creature. If you have an afterlife creature, using Void Flash can trigger such ability and destroy a threat from the other side of the board. At just over $5, I would not hesitate to include this card in my Death deck.

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5 mana and above

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1. Ray of Disintegration ($0.54) The card is very straightforward as the card text explains everything already. Destroy ANY creature (yours included) and take 2 damage to your god. You can destroy a big enemy creature or an ally with a great afterlife ability. Most of the time it will be the former one though.

2. Vampiric Skull ($1.3) Vampiric Skull is the most played non-Welcome Death card at 6 mana. It has good stats and the ability to put 2 creatures on the board at the same time is pretty good. The card gives you a chance to replay a strong card that has been played earlier and has a bit of a surprise factor to your opponent.

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Summing up

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So, these are my picks on the affordable Death cards that would do well in a newer player's deck. Grabbing all of these cards, 1 copy each will cost you roughly $12.

Feel free to let me know in the comments if you agree, disagree or if you have some other card choices. All of your comments will be more than welcome here!

That will conclude the domain of Death. Cya in a few days for the last part of the series: the God of Deception. For now, have a good week ahead folks! Goodbye!

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Death background with Malissus: GU
All GU cards art: GU
Card price: Tokentrove recorded at 7 pm Jan 17th GMT +7
Card stats:

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