Council of Mortals 3 Episode 5 audio with timestamps

February 29th 2024

Max. attendants: ~ 90 people

Audio Recording:


Topics on the agenda

  1. When Mobile - For Real This Time
  2. Sealed Mode Experience
  3. Nack’s Reddit Run Down
  4. Deck List Spying / Sniping / API Closure?
  5. Raffle Run Down
  6. Questions to the GU team
    • Next set
    • When chests?
    • Eclipse Trinket

For more details, see the official Discord

General notes

The main issue for me is the discussion surrounding the closure of API endpoints and the considerable amount of priority tasks remaining before that update can be tackled, with no meaningful solutions available to alleviate the issue in the meantime. This then ties to the recurring theme that despite external teams handling quality assurance, mobile development and balancing, the GU studio still faces serious manpower constraints in developing fixes for different issues in parallel, some of which are actually delayed (bug fixing!) or being addressed sequentially.

Timestamped topics

00:00 When mobile? (in 5 hours!)

01:49 Sealed Mode: could it count towards DP&E?

3:29 Chaos Constructed and Pauper modes will be returning, counting towards DP&E and other rewards

04:45 Shine will matter in Sealed? (No, but the new progression system will take card shine into consideration)

06:06 Any plans for Trinket forging? (no immediate plans)

09:13 Any other Sealed events planned for the near future? (Yes, there is a long calendar already prepared)

11:11 Rumors of some people manipulating card pools in Sealed? (it's under investigation)

12:54 When Sealed will be playable in the mobile app? Avoiding fraud with charge-backs, role of Immutable Passport to handle this problem

15:54 Any other limited formats, like Draft? No capacity to build Draft mode, but other modes yes, as mentioned above

18:20 Reddit Run Down - status on bug hunting lately? QA has been focused on mobile and bug fixer engineer is working on other stuff currently. Possibility of hiring someone dedicated to bugs for this year

21:40 Deck sniping / API closure. GU API is needed for game functions and the problematic endpoints cannot be closed without code refactoring. No clear solutions in the short term.

32:43 Raffle Run Down. Details about the raffles for the remaining Mythic variants. How set completion could tie with raffles and game rewards

46:13 Discussion about a possible new higher DP&E reward tier for Mythic variants

48:32 Art contest deadline

49:15 Plans in place to ensure new Mythics won't fall again into inactive wallets?

50:29 GU team: when next set? 1st half of the year +- 2 months

51:27 When chests? 1st half 2024

51:43 Status on Eclipse trinket

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