[Skatehive Edit] Last Weekend Skateboarding with Friends


Having some trouble to sleep got me time to make this edit of my recent cell phone videos

Featuring some friends @phil @v and @bala and placed in 2 famous Rio de Janeiro Spot.

Hope you have fun with it.


Those are my personal channels:
@vlad -> First of all, turn on this dark mode, everything is better in the dark and so is my main channel XD This one is a mix of my skateboard videos + some fun adventure trips and sometimes useful or not scripts comes up from @code. I hope you enjoy it. And don't forget the old chinese saying Those who tip, gets laid more often
In this Channel I post, repost and list techy or programming posts usually useful scripts to boost your our LBRY/ODYSEE experience. I am a learner, so you don't need to be shy, go ahead and noob around this channel
@Photovlad -> Photography Backup
This one I created cause I am tired of losing my content on platforms that compress your content or even die over time like flogao.com.br (remember that Brazil?). So this is my skateboarding footage backup

COINTREE -> https://cointr.ee/vladhzc

Skatehive LINKS 👇
The skaters of the old steemskate community joined LBRY and Peakd communities together through the swarm program of the LBRY FOUNDATION and now we form a great community called Skatehive.
DISCORD SERVER :point_right:
Peak Channel

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