"Stoken Art" Contest Round 1 - Create and Earn

Given the fact that we have so many artists in our community, we're launching a new weekly art contest called "Stoken Art" and invite everyone to participate, get their art featured in an official Skatehive post and earn sweet prizes at the same time.


About "Stoken Art" Contest

Each week, we publish a curation report called "Weekly Stoken" featuring content from the most active Skatehive shredders. We are using the same thumbnail over and over again for months and it's getting boring so we decided to spice things up and ask you, the community, to help us in designing each weeks "Weekly Stoken" curation report thumbnail from now on!

How to participate

We're not a big fan of rules so we just recommend you to follow the guidelines bellow in order to maximaze your chances of winning :

  • Thumbnail must include the words "Weekly Stoken"
  • Recommended dimensions : 1400 x 805 (minor adjustments are OK)
  • Thumbnail file should be either PNG/JPG or GIF (GIF less than 2 MB size)
  • Submit the design process and idea behind it in skatehive.app (optional)
  • Upload your thumbnail or link your skatehive.app post at the comment section bellow

Feel free to experiment with different art styles. Illustrative, abstract, 3D art, even a freaking Meme... everything counts. Don't limit your imagination.

The only rule is...

Original Art ONLY: Claiming other people's art as yours is not cool. Plagiarists will be downvoted to oblivion 🔨


We publish a new issue of the "Weekly Stoken" every Friday. Given the weekly timeframe, participants have 6 days to submit their entries, and Skatehive community curators @knowhow92 and @boeltermc have 1 day to decide which thumbnail gets featured in the next issue.

Round 1 (this round)

  • Saturday 16/12 - Thursday 21/12 : Entry Submittion Timeframe
  • Thursday 21/12 - Friday 22/12 : Winner selection and announcement (Discord)
  • Late Friday 22/12 : New Weekly Stoken issue

Round 2 (next week)

  • Saturday 23/12 - Thursday 28/12: Entry Submittion Timeframe
  • Thursday 28/12 - Friday 29/12 : Winner selection and announcement (Discord)
  • Late Friday 29/12 : New Weekly Stoken issue

Round 3

  • Repeat...


To reward everyone, our curation account @steemskate and our partner community @gnars will upvote the contest entry comments and posts of each participant.

The weekly grand winner will recieve a 30% beneficiary from next weeks "Stoken Art" round announcement post and their art will be used as thumbnail in the new "Weekly Stoken" issue.

Create and Earn

You have 6 days to show us your art skilzzz, create a dope thumbnail for the next "Weekly Stoken" issue, post it in the comments section bellow and earn while contributing to Skatehive.

Good luck to everyone, have fun and may the skate gods with you.

Last "Weekly Stoken" thumbnail designed by @fonestreet

Last weeks "Weekly Stoken" thumbnail was designed by @fonestreet so we're adding him as 30% beneficiery in this post.

Post beneficieries : @fonestreet 30%, @knowhow92 10% , @boeltermc 10% , @Skatehive 50%


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