Quest For Stoken: The Quest to Find A Fun New Game on Hive


Hello everyone at the SkateHive community! I am @saydie and for this post, I will be playing the game Quest For Stoken, a 2D game where the character you play is a skateboarder wielding sword to fight the enemies the he came across, similar to games like Super Mario or Kontra but this game was planned to have play to earn aspects in the future and for that, there is the Stoken contest that you can join here. For now, it is still on the development stage but it was already playable so without further ado, let us go with the game.




At first, I have no idea to play the game since there were no tutorials available so I tried to press every keys and mouse keys which leads me to an early death cause for some reason, you will die when you press the right click but soon, I was able to navigate using A and D for moving left and right and the Space Bar until I was able to come across some guides which you can read using the ā†‘ keys. Eventually through some trial and errors, I had discovered the following controls:

Action NameCommand
Self DestructLeft Clickimage.png
JumpSpace Barimage.png
Double JumpDouble Spaceimage.png
xActivating bonfire and walletimage.png


Stage 1-4 Gameplay

Stage 1:


For the gameplay, it is very simple, the character, riding his skateboard, will navigate until he reached the end of the stage and along the way there will be this Bonfires and Wallets that you can activate using the X button, and it will release coins and sometime even health. By the way, the was shown on the top- right of the screen with and is displayed in green with grass on it symbolizing how many time you can be hit by the opponent while the Hive icons below tells you how many life you got. It is game over when it reaches 0. You will also encounter monsters along the way and it is up to you if you want to defeat them but some of them will follow you when they see you. When you kill a monster it will also drop some coins and health.


For the first stage there was this ape- like creature and a UFO for your first enemies. The ape- like creature, you can just avoid but the UFO will follow you until you leave the stage. There is also this kind of beam that was shot out of thin air before you reach the end so you go to be careful when you reach the end of the stage.

Stage 2:


For the second stage we have a modernized city unlike the first stage that looks like in a jungle. Here, we have this dart- like thing that shoots out of nowhere so its hard to timed activating the bonfires around it so for some, I only skip them. We also have the Ape- like creature and the UFO here but this time we also have the birds who will chase you if you do not defeat them.


You will know that you reach the end of the second stage when you see a black building with arrows on it which will point you at the end of the stage.

Stage 3:


The stage 3 seams to be an extension of the stage 2 but only that it was dark and there were lots of birds on this stage but I learned that you can jump on the buildings and when you are up there, there were less of this birds so you will be safe until you get to the end of where the train enters the subway as there were 6 birds that you need to defeat before you can jump above the subway or you will received damage. to defeat them, I lure them 1 by 1 so that they will not crowd on me. After that, there is a command that says I should press down key but suddenly, the queen bird shows out of nowhere and taken my life.


For my next try, I try to enter faster to avoid the Queen Bird but like the others, the Queen Bird was a persistent stalker which has followed me to the end of stage 3. After some time, I was able to avoid it and enter stage 4.


Stage 4


I wasn't able to finish stage 4 since the enemies become a bit harder. There was this mini UFO that shoots out of nowhere aside from the larger UFO. the Aliens also finally gets out and they were the one that is tricky since they shoot electricity on their hands. At the end, I got a total score of 25681 for the first day of playing the game with more or less 10 tries and I think I can increase this score after playing more and eventually survived stage 4.



Game Recommendations

Flexible Controls

One of the things that I find difficulty playing the game were the controls as they were all focused with my left hand. I think it would be great if the game controls can be customizable or at the very least made it that my other hand has something else to do. Continuously pressing the Shift key for 5 times shows the sticky notes and I was out of the game causing the monsters to attack me and die.

Adding Achievements
For games like this, adding achievements will make the game more interesting because it gives a sense of accomplishment to the player. There are also players who will play Speed runs where their priority is to beat the game on the fastest possible time and that was for the Web 2 games which does not have a play to earn aspect to them so what more if developers will use this achievements to get more players.



As time goes by, hive was becoming bigger and bigger with the number of applications that you can use same with it's community and for that, we also need to add some other things that will make Hive more enjoyable and **Quest For Stoken** I think is a game that was still not on **Hive** so it will be really fun to have it in here. If the time where achievements can be added and players will compete on it, it will be an amazing experience



The image and screenshots that I taken here belongs to Quest For Stoken

The Dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by @thepeakstudio and if you like them you can use them for free, the Hive logo is property of

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