[introduction] POST


Hey there, fellow skaters and seekers of truth (or maybe not)

This post is about to take you on a wild ride through the twists and turns of my journey with skateboarding (which sounds very amazing but it’s just to keep you reading). Another fair warning: this isn't your typical intro post. No, this is a raw, unfiltered dive into the depths of my dyslexic soul as I grapple with the question that has been haunting me for far too long: where does skateboarding fit into my life now? 😂

At this point you have probably already felt my chaotic energy that hides behind my resting bitch face- and realized that: I can be dramatic af.. I'll be real with you – this wasn't an easy post to write. It's been a struggle trying to figure out where I stand with my board. Maybe you've been there too, staring down at your worn-out deck and wondering if it still holds the same magic it once did to you.

So yeah, this might get a little emotional. I make no apologies for that.

So skateboarding has been in my life since I was 11- ish, as my parents were getting a divorce and I was transferred to a new school. I used to be the first (sometimes second) student in my class, and obviously - a Nerd (which I still am - sort of). Used to sit upfront, and not talk to anyone, til one day, that the same very COOL girl that caught my attention at my first day in the new school was grounded by the teacher in class, for bad behavior, and guess what... my company would serve as her punishment.

She had to do her math homework with me. So that day after class I went to her house, and got to meet many skateboarders that were hanging there, watching videos. They were friends with her older sis. That day was the first of many, when we would go to her house, or hang in the streets such as a ‘Rua do Rio” in the Méier Neighborhood, and share her board (by that time I had already bought my first deck, but had no money to complete it) as she tried to teach me something.

As time passed us by, I moved to another school, she got on with her life, and I went back to nerding and just reencountered skateboarding in my jr year of college and then left it aside again... From that on I can say that I've orbited around the skateboard scene until the pandemics came (and that would be more than 10y). By that time I was already in a relationship with my partner for life who happens to be an awesome skateboarder and the person who encourages me the most about doing, pretty much, anything that crosses my mind and won’t get me killed or arrested, and that, believe me, can be very recurrent. I don’t mind admitting that I not very talented or disciplined enough to outstand, but I believe that skateboard is much more than just casting cosmic overdrive spells while spinning over your head and vomiting unicorns...

So, I guess this brings me AGAIN to the question: where does skateboarding fit in my life at this point ? how could it not fit? when you have been part of something for so long, this thing starts becoming part of you too. Most of my personality was forged by this scene - the good and the bad - and most of the traumas (kkkrying). I’ve seen most of the world through these lenses and it made me who I am. Some parts are alive and kicking, other parts still here to be improved and others, well, pretty much dead inside. So skateboarding is about getting to know yourself, improving it, challenging it, collaborating, seeing things as they are and from time to time, subverting methods to make them more useful for - maybe - impractical means, but hey, that’s what we got to make life bearable at some times, and to be happy at others.

So now that I have introduced the awkward me, you can get to know the socially acceptable personality that has dragged me alive throughtout adulthood, She's been, for the past 15y a marketing specialist for many companies worldwide, in many industries and segments. She works mostly in Branding, Digital Marketing, Social & Content projects and recently turned into a Web3, Blockchain and frontend development student/enthusiast.

Add to that being a musician for a whole lifetime and a yoga instructor, then you get a version of what I call "me" nowadays.

So, below you'll find some facts (not sure if they’ll be fun) about me, illustrated by pics.

  1. Once I formed a only girls band that played what I liked to call "tropical punk rock":


A sample can be found here:

  1. This is when I became a yoga instructor, went to India and also almost joined a cult:

  1. Some short videos of when I was trying to go back to skateboarding in 2021 (i guess):

If you're still here, thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me.

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