Quest For Stoken (QFS) Review - A fun 2D platformer from SkateHive

So few games have surprised me as much as Quest For Stoken. I started the game with low expectations as my experience with browser-based games is not good so far but it all changed up this 2D platformer I will talk about.

Quest for Stoken is a play2earn 2D platformer where we play as a skateboarder with a sword and goes on a journey through various levels filled with all type of dangers ranging from pigeons to aliens travelling in spaceships.

I thought it was going to be a short game with a couple of levels at most but it kept going and going, dealing with pigeons in the city was a challenge.

Some places have guns and other range weapons that you can collect and use on enemies. Bullets seem to inflict less damage than your mighty sword.

The game is not easy, especially at the later stages when you encounter some tough enemies and some puzzles are challenging too.

My favourite stages were when we went into space and fought a lot of aliens. The gravity becomes weaker and we can jump higher which makes a lot of difficult-looking jumps easy.

Slashing alien spaceships with your sword is so fun and satisfying.

I like the humour in the game too, at some point in the game we go to Greece and fight literal Zeus... that was hilarious.

Also, the art museum in the game is a funny place too with a lot of interesting pieces of art.

Some bugs and suggestions.

I enjoyed the game but there are some things that the developers need to work on:

  • Heavy lag in a couple of places

In the second level where we encounter our first ever UFO, this level starts to lag as we take more and more time. It happened to me on all my 5 playthroughs, as I took more time it started to lag even bad.
Also, when you kill the Pigeon boss at the end, the dying explosion with that many Stokens gets hard to handle for my PC. (This might just be because of my slowish pc).

Apart from these two incidents, the game runs smoothly.

  • Failed attack on Police

I think this is a bug or I don't exactly understand why it doesn't work on these guys. The bullets go through them without hurting them. (I was low on health with Pigeons under my platforms, imagine the

  • How about custom controls?

The controls are one of the worst parts of the game for me. Trying to press 'z', 'x', 'c' and 'v' with the left hand is just painful, I often forget about which key does which. I know the game is still in development but having custom controls or at least more control layout, maybe one with wsad for movement and pressing all the action keys with the right dominant hand. That would make the game much more fun and slightly easier at least for me.

Reached the top of the leaderboard

I started with some test runs without even linking my hive account at first and played a couple of test runs just to get myself familiar with all the controls and gameplay.

Once, I got the hang of it, I logged in with the Keychain, it is such a simple process. You just have to enter your username and sign the transaction. And you are good to go!

My first official run was not bad, I got to the space level and died there. My score was good enough to place me in 3rd on the weekly leaderboard just by my first attempt after login with my username. So, I decided to play again and this time with more focus.

It gets easier as you play the levels again. You will get to know the layout of the map, where the enemies are and where to go next. I played for a long time in that run and was enjoying it a lot. I reached the last level (which I got to know was the last after I completed it later) with a lot of lives but spent all of them in that level.

This attempt was so close to beating the game that I got placed at the top of the leaderboard.

Finishing the job!

I wanted to see the ending and finish the game, how hard could it be, I thought and started fresh runs. It took a few runs before I managed to finally kill that Piegon boss and get the key to unlock the portal and reach the finished room.

I completed the game and slightly improved my score from the last time. Here is the winning screen with the final score. That was so satisfying to see.

I will keep an eye on the weekly leaderboard and if someone takes over then I will play again to take back my spot on the leaderboard. I saw a nice gameplay video from @boeltermc who held the No. 1 spot and I am expecting a tough challenge from him in the coming days.

For now, I am in the first spot and for best times I am so far behind from @web-gnar. Bro is speed-running his own game!

Kudos to @skatehive and @web-gnar for making an amazing game. I would have never known a browser-based 2D platformer could be this much fun.

Thanks for reading...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots and gifs are from the game, 'Quest For Stoken'.
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