My Quest for Stoken Game Review

Hello guys,

It’s a brand new day and we give thanks and praises to the almighty creator for this blessing. Today I want to share with you my review on a newly developed game I’ve been playing all weekend. when I saw the contest, I was immediately hooked on because I love playing video games so I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to try this game out. You can see in details what this contest entails HERE.

Quest for Stoken is a game which is developed by Geners DOA and Skatehive. The game feature a man on a shate holding a knife and also has a shield. His sole purpose is to zoom round the worlds killing monsters and getting rich. without wasting anytime let’s start the game.

I launched the game by click on the website. I waited about 5 minutes before it fully launched (I think it took too long) I was thinking it was my network but when I checked I had a stable and fast network. So it was the game, but anyway I waited. And it finally loaded and this is how it looks like when loading.

After it has successfully loaded, you should see the image below. From there you will be instructed to click on the space bar on your keyboard.

Before we proceed it very necessary I take you through some of the controls of the game. It took me a while to get most of them. I wouldn’t want to to stress yourself.

Game Controls

AThis allows the user to move the man left or backward
DAllows the man to move right or forward
Space barIt is used for jumping
Xit is used to open crypto wallets and born fired
Shiftis used to active the sword
ZThis is used to activate the shield
RReturns the gamer to the homepage

The forward arrow key/ D - This allows the user to move the man forward. Alternatively you can use the D key on your keyboard

The Back arrow key/ A -This allows the user to move the man left or backward. Alternatively you can use the A key on your keyboard

Spacebar - This key allows the user to jump, double pressing the space bar key allows the man to do a double jump. Also it allows you to start the game after you have been killed

The Down arrow key - This allows the user to move the man down.

The Shift key - allows the man to fight with his sword

The Z key - This allows the man to protect himself from the enemies using a shield.

The R key - This returns the gamer to the Home page of the game.

Now let’s play the game;

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the controls of the game, we can now play the game with ease. With the help of the arrow key, I moved the man forward until I saw something that looked like a fire. I went closer and confirmed it. When I got closer, a prompt appeared and instructed me to press X to light it up Which I did. And I was rewarded with coins.

I pressed X on my keyboard to lit the born fire up

I kept on going round looking for born fires to light up and get some coins. Until I discovered I could go up. So I used the Spacebar to double jump and go up. I found myself s crypto wallet which I use the key X to open.

I pressed X on my keyboard to open the crypto wallet

Just on top of the area I found the wallet, I noticed I could switch to another area kinda like another world. My first initial jump wasn’t successful. I tried and tried again. And I must confess it was a bit challenging but after a few tries I was able to Jump to another world.

After a few tries I was able to complete this task

Just an expected it was different from the place I was previously. I saw a couple of fires I went straight to lit them up and claim some coins. Then out of nowhere looks like someone or something fires shots at me. So I got closer and saw my first monster

I just entered the new world

My first encounter with the enemy

Used my sword to kill the monster

My first encounter with the monster wasn’t successful I was killed and had to come back again with a new strategy. Fortunately for me I was able to kill him. And then I saw the birds my first thought was they are friendly creatures. They didn’t look creepy so I though they were good until they started to attack me. I killed most of them and jumped to the next world.

The third world

Just when I taught I was done with the birds. I saw a bunch of them but before I engaged them I went round to lit the born fires up claimed some coins, and it was not time to face the birds. One thing I don’t like about the is they attack you once they see you. So I had to take them out one after the other. After killing a few of them I noticed they dropped a green like item. After claiming it I realized it was health.

Slaying some birds

Claiming health after killing the birds

I tried going up but I was attacked by a group of birds I couldn’t go any further they always seem to attack me in groups which made it difficult to defend against.

I had a total score of 2696 and made 146 kills. I think it’s kinda exaggerated because I don’t think I made this much kills. But anyway I think the game is a very interesting game it can get quite addictive.

The idea of putting in a sound or music while you play is very capitative. But I think the music can be worked on maybe changing a different tone or something. About the birds, I think they should make them a bit scarier these ones don’t look harmful so at a glance you might not be ready for them. Other than that it’s an amazing game.

My Positive aspects of the game

1 - For a 2D game, the graphics looks okay.

2 - The feature where the man is able to defend himself with a sword and a shield is very cool. At least you are not left defenseless against your enemies

3 - The idea of a background music is very captivating. It keeps the mind of the game focused on the game.

4 - The Monsters are great. They don’t make things easy for you. They challenge you.

5 - The game looks to promote the hive brand and also the world of crypto.

Whiles playing the game I encountered a few problems or in other words some negative and bad aspects of the game. I think when worked on and improved the game would improve significantly let’s take a look at the negatives.

My Negative aspects of the game

1 - It took too long to load at my first time launching the game. I think it should be sorted as soon as possible these kind of problems put gamers off.

2 - The shift key used to activate the sword isn’t ideal normally when fighting the monster you end up pressing it more times and it turns to a sticky key.

3 - There was an instance I wanted to pause the game but I couldn’t. I don’t know if there is a feature to this, if not it needs to be fixed

4 - Like I said earlier I think the birds need some modification they look too good. I think they should look a little bit scarier

I think I’ll leave it here for now, after having played the game, I think it’s great though there is still more room for improvement. It still needs some finishing touches and I believe once those touches are done we will have ourselves an amazing game.

If you haven’t tried playing it, I think you should you won’t regret it. Thank you for this opportunity to participate in this contest. Thank you and see you later.

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