Local Skate Coach Had Gear Stolen!

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Hey everyone,

I'm once again asking for your financial support, to help a fellow skater in need. But seriously, my friend Thomas had his car stolen recently, and it had most of the skate gear in it, that he used to help teach kids to skate. They did manage the get the car back after the bandits were done with it, but rather than being full of skate gear, the car was full of trash and vomit.

The way it happened, the car got stolen, was due to a mechanic who was negligent. He was fixing their car, then left it outside running unsupervised, in a known bad neighborhood. The car was insured, however the insurance didn't cover any items stolen from inside the car.

So he's holding a "skateathon" in his garage, where he has another ramp, and we're going to help him raise money to replace the lost gear. I've already told him about SkateHive, so pretty sure he will be joining shortly, but this will also be a great example to people locally, what the SkateHive community is capable of! Depending on what the rewards are on this post, I'll most likely just hand him the equivalent value in fiat from my own bank account, rather than powering down the reward amount, selling, and all the steps needed to make it cash to hand to him. Unless of course he just wants the Hive itself, in which case I'll gladly transfer that to his new account he's have to create.

Who's Thomas?

Thomas runs a local group that teachings kids to skate, called The Practice 42. I got to know him through my local skate community shop, Scam Skate where I often run into him teaching kids to skate the shop ramp. He's always been the nicest and politest, person in the room, and he really cares about building up the community. He's been so consistent in putting on weekly, and I believe now bi-weekly, skate sessions for kids. It's really helping so many people, especially during these hard times.


Here are a few of the things that were stolen




There's actually a fair bit more, but nothing with very clear pictures, and there is no point to post it all unless you want to come here and help search.
The Skateathon is this sunday, so I'll hand him what the post is worth at that time, and of course give him more if the post keeps earning for that long, or the price of hive soars.

Please help out by also sharing this post! Thank you.

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How To Find Me On All The Other Platforms

LeoFinance: @howweroll
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TheLongboardHive:d
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WUDSVUSj0Pz0/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1708054422579869
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howweroll_wpg/?hl=en &
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sexinapanman

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