Skatepark, San Diego, Venezuela: How a place represents the culture of a city

People can understand that Venezuela is a country in trouble and that perhaps it doesn't stand out internationally within the skateboarding community of the world. But I'm going to confess something, they have no idea what they are talking about? San Diego, a small but beautiful city in the north-central part of this country is one of the cradles of the most prominent extreme sports movement in this nation. Not only in street skateboarding, but also in BMX and above all; complemented with a culture that includes hip hop, graffiti and beautiful rock and roll.

It is for this reason that I want to present to all of you the crown jewel of my country, of one of the cities that I have loved the most and above all; of a place that is full of magic; spell and a lot of tradition and history: a skatepark that has seen in its facilities hundreds, if not thousands of boys and girls practicing a sport that gives freedom, security and community. A sense of belonging that had its heyday since the early years of the new century, back in the 2000's, and that still keeps a relationship with the current generations.

I am a woman who was born in the 90's, and who is currently a mother and not so young, but who would not be considered "old" either. However, what I can assure you is that the spirit and tradition of a whole city can be summarized in one place. At least, the one that has to do with the underground, rock and roll and alternative movement. Those who were always called "Inadaptados".

A place that was always a guarantee to find new and old friends. Where camaraderie was the rule and not the exception. Made of concrete, and in the foothills of the mountains that divide the city from the Caribbean Sea, an enclosure, a park, a "temple"; this is what the San Diego skatepark represents. And I know this because there are countless cases with which I can affirm it without fear of exaggeration. In fact, I don't know anyone, San Diegan or not, who doesn't love, respect or care for the skatepark as a sacred place of community and beautiful memories.

For this reason, I have decided to pay a small tribute to a skatepark that accompanied us throughout our childhood. It was there for us and was the meeting point for more than a generation of young people who found peace, discipline, dedication and passion for extreme sports. This not only represents the skate culture, but also the roller culture and of course, the BMX movement.

It is not only skate ramps, tubes to slide, or stairs to practice kickflips or tilt waves, nothing like that. In the skatepark you see in the pictures, in its benches and locations, thousands of boys and girls shared moments of happiness and joy. It was also the cradle of professional skaters. In one way or another, everyone in this city, and in the areas near it, we keep respect, admiration and deep love.

Going back to see it, walking its facilities and breathing the fresh air of that place is like going back in time. At a time when there were fewer worries, more rock and roll and life was not only simpler, but (and this is my opinion) more full of substance; connection between human beings and genuine sense of empathy and compassion. You could skate and scrape your elbows or knees, and many would come out to help you without expecting anything in return. They cared about you. That's how you made friends. By sharing songs or videos of your favorite skateboarders.

So this is, as I said, a tribute, an open letter but also a declaration of love for what shaped my life from a child to now that I am an adult. You can't forget what made us what we are; this skatepark is a place of admiration and recognition. It's not hard to find information about it on the internet. And if you are Venezuelan, it is even easier and more affordable to be visited and toured. I hope that all of us who have ridden a skateboard at some point in our lives, feel that this is a great place to visit.

My adolescence, my youth, multiple friendships; almost everything a girl can treasure I achieved with this skatepark as a witness. Thank you for reading me. And yes, the pictures were taken by me.

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