"Building Possibilities"

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"Bless Skateshop has been located in the Santana neighborhood since 2012, always committed to valuing and promoting the local skate culture. We have a deep connection with our skate community, especially with Margarida de Menezes Square, which has been the hub of skateboarding in Santana since the mid-80s, an era marked by the iconic skate program 'Grito da Rua.'

This square has been a meeting point for skaters and local residents for over 40 years, a place where friendships were forged, skills were developed, and countless stories were created on four wheels. It's a location that nurtured a generation of skateboarders who learned from the more experienced, overcame falls, and celebrated various achievements.

Our 'Possibilities' project emerged as an initiative to preserve this legacy. Although it didn't receive massive support from major skate companies, Bless Skateshop joined forces with our athlete and longtime friend Will DIAS, A.K.A Jorge Levi, who helped us establish a collaboration with the global community of extreme sports enthusiasts GNARS and THATSGNARLY, primarily operating in WEB3. Together, they proposed the celebration of 'NounGnarversary,' an event that not only involved maneuvers but also brought new perspectives to the square and skate culture in Santana.

'Possibilities' became a reality thanks to this collaboration, along with the support of local businesses that understood the significance of the location for the community. Today, we invite everyone to watch the video of our project on our YouTube channel; the link is in the bio ☝🏾

'Possibilities' is not just a skate obstacle; it is a symbol of perseverance, love for culture, and the promise of better days for our community.

#SkateSantana #Possibilities #GNARS #THATSGNARLY #LivingLegacy #BlessSkateshop #NounGnarversary"


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