3 ways to combine 1 garment 馃尲馃崅



驴C贸mo est谩n mis fashionistas? No s茅 si han estado en la posici贸n de no tener un cl贸set variado y por eso se ven obligados a lidiar cada vez que van a salir con la pregunta: 驴Qu茅 me pongo hoy? Personalmente es algo que me pasa siempre jajaja... As铆 que me toca combinar las pocas prendas que tengo para no parecer una figurita repetida cada vez, entonces se me ocurri贸 compartir con ustedes algunas formas en que combino, por darles un ejemplo, mi vestido de blues jeans.

Este vestido me lo regal贸 una de mis cu帽adas y desde que lo tengo estoy demasiado feliz con la forma en que me luce, adem谩s por ser unicolor y tener un corte simple, es m谩s f谩cil a la hora de querer darle una vibra diferente. Afortunadamente en la actualidad las diferentes tendencias me han ayudado a salir un poco de mi zona de confort, y tambi茅n me han ense帽ado a combinar telas, colores y estampados. S茅 que no soy una gur煤 de la moda, pero poco a poco le voy perdiendo el miedo a usar mi creatividad. 驴Cu谩l de estas 3 combinaciones les gust贸 m谩s?


How are my fashionistas? I don't know if you have been in the position of not having a varied closet and therefore are forced to deal every time you go out with the question: What should I wear today? Personally it is something that always happens to me hahaha .... So I have to combine the few clothes I have to not look like a repeated figure every time, then I thought I would share with you some ways in which I combine, to give you an example, my blues jeans dress.

This dress was given to me by one of my sisters-in-law and since I got it I'm very happy with the way it looks on me, also because it's one color and has a simple cut, it's easier when I want to give it a different vibe. Fortunately nowadays the different trends have helped me to get out of my comfort zone, and have also taught me how to combine fabrics, colors and prints. I know I'm not a fashion guru, but little by little I'm losing my fear of using my creativity. Which of these 3 combinations did you like the most?

隆Nos vemos pronto!

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