Hello everyone, trust your day was or is going great however he case may be. My name is @gemangel and this is my first time posting on this platform. Before I move to the styling of my dress, I would love to say express my greatest gratitude to the founders of this community, when i came across it, I couldn’t fight the urge to express my love for fashion here and so excited that such a platform exist for people like myself.

this picture was originally taken by me and edited with an application called InShot

Today I will be styling a dress I made myself from scratch. The inspiration of my shoot was from a black and white concept i saw on the vogue magazine. The concept is one I love so much as I believe it not just illustrates the essence of sisterhood, but also the concept of independent women. Another reason this concept stood out to me I believe is because of my obsession with the color black and white . For me the peculiarity is just constant and it literally stands for boldness. Although my inspiration was sisters at court, my plan wasn’t to recreate the whole concept but what it stood for.

The dress took me about 42 hours to make as it was my first time making the style and I had encounted so many hurdles and frustration while making the dress especially from the pattern drafting aspect.

After prepping my makeup…….
For accessories, I went with something not too loud because for the picture, I want my outfit it to be the focus.
For my hair I will be using a small hair accessory I also made from scratch on a short wig.
A simple spot diamond earring on the left side of my ear and on the right side, I will be going for something dangling.
For my nails I was going to go for black and white but I letter settled for black as I couldn’t find the nail white nails that would match perfectly.

Top it all up with a black party hose I thought would go so well with my outfit.
For shoes I couldn’t real decide what to go with but I later settled for my black pencil hills because I think it brought out a whole new look on the outfit and i really stated earlier I wanted something bold.

Lastly, I wanted naming the dress but that was seems like the most difficult part almost more difficult than the dress making itself. So far there was no possible names running through my head but tell me though, what name do you think would really capture the concept of the dress?

Basically that is all for styling my dress. Feel free to check out my last post for a rundown of how i made the dress.

Thanks for your time and I do hope you see more of me till then have a blessed day. Feel free to check out my last post for a rundown of how i made the dress.

this is the concept i aimed at creating. it was edited by me with the help of an application called InShot and the VOUGUE template was sources from this link >>>


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