New casual outfit with a white blouse with black stripes and stretch Jean ideal for a Friday afternoon outing.


Hola mi queridísimos hivers feliz y bendecido inicio de fin de semana, Bienvenido sea nuevamente a mi blog personal aprovechando nuevamente de compartir con todos ustedes, la combinación de un nuevo outfit casual con un blusón blanco con rayas negras muy bonito y fresco muy propicio por la ola de calor y está padeciendo mi ciudad.

En esta oportunidad, aproveché de lucir la combinación de este nuevo outfit muy propicio para una salida de viernes por la tarde con los amigos al centro comercial, este bonito blusón de color blanco con franjas horizontales de mangas corta y lo que más me gusta de este diseño es que lo podemos amarrar a los lados para que nos quede más coqueto en esta ocasión lo conviene con unos jeans en tela strech muy cómodos y flexibles de los que nunca pasan de moda y para el calzado mis zapatos deportivos negros de zuelas blancas.

Hello my dearest hivers happy and blessed start of the weekend, welcome back to my personal blog taking advantage again to share with all of you, the combination of a new casual outfit with a white blouse with black stripes very nice and cool very conducive to the heat wave and is suffering my city.

In this opportunity, I took the opportunity to show off the combination of this new outfit very suitable for a Friday afternoon outing with friends to the mall, this nice white blouse with horizontal stripes with short sleeves and what I like most about this design is that we can tie it on the sides to make it more flirtatious this time it suits with jeans in stretch fabric very comfortable and flexible of those who never go out of fashion and for footwear my black sneakers with white soles.

When wearing an outfit, we have to have a positive and vibrant attitude and feel comfortable.





Al momento de lucir un outfit, tenemos que tener una actitud positiva y vibrante además de sentirnos cómoda.

Gracias por acompañarme aquí y hasta otra.
Gracias por leerme y tu valioso apoyo.

Las fotos son mías @cielitorojo con mi Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
Traducido con el traductor Deepl.

Hello my dearest hivers happy and blessed start of the weekend, welcome back to my personal blog taking advantage again to share with all of you, the combination of a new casual outfit with a white blouse with black stripes very nice and cool very conducive to the heat wave and is suffering my city.

In this opportunity, I took the opportunity to show off the combination of this new outfit very suitable for a Friday afternoon outing with friends to the mall, this nice white blouse with horizontal stripes with short sleeves and what I like most about this design is that we can tie it on the sides to make it more flirtatious this time it suits with jeans in stretch fabric very comfortable and flexible of those who never go out of fashion and for footwear my black sneakers with white soles.

When wearing an outfit, we have to have a positive and vibrant attitude and feel comfortable.

Thank you for joining me here and see you another time.
Thanks for reading me and your valuable support.

The photos are of me @cielitorojo with my Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
Translated with Deepl translator.

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