List of Banned Topics you are not allowed to question on hive: Sandy Hook, Ukraine, Vaccines, George Floyd, what else? How about how HIVE was posted in 2014 on wikileaks as a CIA HACKING tool?

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Why is it not allowed to ask questions about Sandy Hook and reference all the fake CNN "bloopers" , operation gladio us sponsored terrorism and the hindreds of thousands of child deaths from drone strikes and us war?

Now that im free after being downvoted by steemcleaners i can actually have a seeious discussion snd ask questions abiut sandy hook

I suggest creating an anonymous hive account using blocktrades and then using or an exchange to pay for it so nonone can trace the account back to your main huve account , then you can talk freely and earn $INFOWARS tokens which may ene up being fueled by the resentment ane bitterness of all the users banned from twitter and legacy socialbmedia for simply asking questions

But i know that for many of you, youll clasify this as dangerous thought and stoic terrorism and claim im inciting violence and conspiracies by daring to question the official story and asking why the us government would NOT have children killed like they do everyday overseas?

The us government has killed mkre children than you can count.


The U.S. post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries. As of September 2021, an estimated 387,072 civilians in these countries have died violent deaths as a result of the wars

Source -

Now i could start showing all the evidence proving the US government is Not beyond false flags, crisis actors and killing children directly or indirectly, in order to achieve their goals or protect their interests

But this idea that we arent allowed to ask questions about a specific school shooting , its just proof that there is sonething to hide, or elee there woukent be such a response. People claim all sorts of events are fake conspiracies but they never dragged alex jones into court demanding a billion dollars before

The way the judge and media talks fown to alex jones has all the hallmarks of a gaslighting schoolyard manipulative bully trying to hide their own crime with extreme threats of violence and exile for even bringing up such thought crimes

You know what else the news and mainstream were soooo angry about? Anyone who questions the Ukraine War ...anyone who questions the covax "Vaccine" (mrna gene therapy since it doesnt vaccinate you but instead manipulates your genetic code to achieve results which have been proven not to work at all as a real vaccine)

But if you bring that up youre attacked

If you bring up the fact that Ukraine is full of neo nazis that HATE people
Of color and LGBt , youre attacked

If you bring up sandy hook and the very real statistical possibility that it was a fake media event, like anything in hollywood, youre attacked and sued.

Even hypothetical questions are a thought crime

Oh and people will say "you know what youre doing , you know better, youre just promoting a known conspiracy theory that has been judged by the ministrynof truth as false and you have no escuse ro keep bronging this up!" As if you have no right to ask a question that the mainstream feel has been answered already .

They label you as a trouble maker ane some sort of stoic terrorist for secretly subconsciously inciting violence

The left is allowed to claim Bush and Cheney were killing civilians to justify their political agendas , in iraq and in new york in the world trade centers

The 911 inside job conspiracy was a left wing one that blamed the right wing president at the time

The left claimed bush and cheney had 3000 americans and some of them children all killed in a false flag terror attack to justify a multi trillion dollar war and have us ignore the missing 3 trillion dollars from the pentagon announced days before 911

And that is what occams razor would
Tell you...the idea of terorrists in a cave etc its insane compared to the more likely and simple answer that the government creates frauds to make money

And they were so sloppy that the evidence is everywhere but people are TOLD how to think by a central news authority and twitter or reddit

Otherwise we would all agree.

If this was russia we were talking about wed immiedtaky accuse putij of a false flag as the us did after his chechnya terror attack allowing him to justify his checnya invasion

Some say this was the precursor to 911 and that bush cheney learned from this asntheynwere actually cozy friends with russia and putin back then comoared ro now

Bit when its our own government peoppe act like we are somehow any different?

What makes america so special that we wont follownthe same laws or nature and corruption as any large empire?

It shocks me how mainstream leftsist will agree the us is a failing empire and a dangerous authoritarian military oligarchy that will lie and kill people to start wars to kill more civilians and make money...300 THOUSAND AGREED upon civilian deaths in iraq and afghanistan...and thats not enoigh to realize that MAYBE the us gov is conducting fakse flag attacks in side the us?

So we have an evil government killing civilians for what? Dont try to justify Iraq invasion Or Afghan whynare we still there? To right isis ? The thing obama created during his presidency just like reagan and bush had the taliban and al queda created under theirs?

So well do that and fund terorists to fight our enemies and justify it but you dontnthink theye justify having some kids killed in the us to get gun control legislation passed?

Maybe you dont understand how a pyschopath mind works or are just naive as to how the us governnent cia and military operate

Whatever tho just go ahead and downvote and complain about me ane my questions

Explain how my post shoudlnt be allowed on hive when im simply using facts and history to ask why the us government WOUKDNT have kids killed for gun control? If i was am evil sith lord in charge of America i would have created a false flag for gun control

Of course the news wants to make you FEAR talking about the subject of sandy hook false flags crisis actors and facts on how many children the us govenrment has already killed from drone strikes and war

So tell me why it should not be allowed to discuss sandy hook on hive?

What else should we not be allowed to talk about? George flooyd? Flat earth? Moon landing? Vaccines? Oxycontin? Ukraine? Halliburton and the iraq war? Oh i guess thats ok so maybe in 10 years we can discuss ukraine ?

So ive notcied hive has a list of banned topics you are not allowed to criticisze or even ask questions about

Thats worse than steem ever was. Steem
Never had such insane political censorship and its obvious that hive has been taken over by the same people who created hive in the first place as shown on @wikileaks vault 7 and 8


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