Im Grand Negus Zack Cloud William! ADN WERE TAKIN OVER this planet! THE WHOLE BALL OF WAX Its WE THE PEOPLE not E PLEBNISTA - >"Were uuuuh takin over the whole planet... were gonna neeed uuh phasers - Federation is takin over whether you like it or not

"Were uuuuh takin over the whole planet... were gonna neeed uuuuuh phasers - The federation is takin over whether you like it or not ...You people.. you been running the Planet like a Peace meal factory.... your gonna run it like a business - im cuttin the Federation in for 40% " - trump and Space Forces + Anunaki


See the Greys and otehr ETs know thee Earth has their tech, they violated the prime directive so now they have to do a Second Contact, and fix the problems, and bring us into the federation just like the Ferrengi who just BOUGHT their warp technology lol


and OOOOH you got a Thisbun! Except at Night when you'd need a Queen and a four!

Oooh look at that a Q ueen Bee Grey Alien Hivemind

K ING why your get anotehr card!

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