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Volume II

of the Emerald Covenant CDT Plate Translations


Secrets of Amenti
Volume II

Expanded Second Edition

By Ashayana Deane

(Anna Hayes)

Information transcribed from the Guardian Alliance
regarding the 2000 to 2017 Time Continuum Shift,
Humanity’s True Origins and Hidden Evolutionary Destiny, the Arc of
the Covenant, the Halls of Amenti, Keylontic Science, and the Process
of Entering the Higher Evolution

Wild Flower Press
Columbus, NC

Copyright ©2002 by Ashayana Deane
All rights resewed.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information and retrieval systems, without prior permission from the publisher in writ¬
ing, with the exception of the charts in Appendices I, III, and V, which may be copied and
used publicly and freely, but not distributed via the internet in any way.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Deane, Ashayana 1964-

Voyagers : the secrets of amenti / by Ashayana Deane,
p. cm.

ISBN 1-893183-25-4

  1. Human-alien encounters.

  2. Spirit writings.

I. Title.

BF2050.H38 1999

The Voyagers Series
Volume II, Second Edition

Dedicated to
The Guardians
of all Races and Realities

And to

The Guardian Alliance
for their patience and wisdom
and for the creation of this book.

Cover artwork and internal illustrations: Ashayana Deane
Final cover work: Suzanne Maksel and Pam Meyer
Manuscript editors: Brian Crissey, Pam Meyer, Julie Sherar and Susan Westhoff
Indexer: Brian Crissey, Ph.D.

Printed in the United States of America.

Address all inquiries to:

Wild Flower Press
Granite Publishing, L.L.C.

Post Office Box 1429,

Columbus, NC 28722 U.S.A.

http:/ /5thworld.com

In Memory of
Richard G. Herhenreader,
Beloved Voyager

Granite Publishing, L.L.C., is committed
to walking lightly on the Earth.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface to Volume II ..

Required Reading .


1 The Secrets of Amend .

Amend Transmission 1998

Origins and the Fall .

Amend Rescue Mission ..

The Halls of Amenti.9

Root Races - Cloistered Races .15

The Electric Wars.18

2 The Second Seeding ...27

Sirius B .27

Melchizedek Races .29

Science of Ascension .58

The Thousand-Years’ War.43

3 The Third Seeding .50

The Arc of the Covenant.50

Lemuria Destroyed .58

Giza to Atlantis.59

2017 AD Appointment .65

4 A Journey Toward Awakening .••••71

Sinking Atlantis and Earth Quarantine.71

Dreaming, Ego, and Higher Self.77

Alcyone and the Templar Seal.82

5 Return to Amenti.87

Pharaoh Akhenaton. 87

The Three Christs.96

6 Ascension Mechanics .106

Humanity’s Evolution.106

Earth Time Cycles .110

The Holographic Beam.114

DNA and the Halls of Amenti.117

7 Countdown to Amenti .122

Recent History .122

Merkaba Fields .126

The Philadelphia Experiment and Solar Crisis .130

Solar Crisis and 11:11/12:12.133

The Montauk Project.136

8 Current Events .142

The Bridge Zone Project.142

Bridge Zone Mechanics .145

Time-Cycle Mechanics and Evolution.146


9 Time Shift. ......

Ascending and Descending Planets .

Three Tracks of Time.

10 Opening the Halls of Amend .


10/1986 through 6/1998 .

The Arc of the Covenant Opens .

Palaidorian Birthing Contracts.

11 Things to Come .

Ascension Schedule .

Tire Amenti Ascension Program Schedule.

Final 1998 Comments from the Guardian Alliance

12 Author’s Closing Statement, 1998 ..

The I Am Prayer.
















13 Emergency Release ..

A New Level of (Continuous) Revelation.

Anunnaki, 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements &. Fallen ET races
Solar Star Gate-4 &. Anunnaki defection from

the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements.

The July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair &. Anunnaki Sabotage

of the 9/2000 UK Expedition .

The September 2000 U1R and the Edict of War .

The D-12 Planetary Security Seal, Planetary Shields Clinics,
and Crisis Intervention.








Invasion Agenda, HAARP, Merkaba-Reversal,

and the Rude Awakening .357

Merkaba Mayhem, Real Ratios, and

the Nibiruian Checkerboard Mutation.259

14 Angelic Human Heritage & Rainbow Roundtables . ...261

Genetic Ascendancy of Angelic Human Lineage .262

12-Tribes Seeding-3 Genetic Ascendancy.*.263

The Azurites, IAFW, Oraphim- Angelic Human, MC Priests of UR,

and Indigo Child Eieyani Grail Line.264

Creation of the Oraphim-Turaneusiam Angelic Human

Christiac-Rishic Grail Line.266

Seeding the 12 Urtite-Cloister Palaidia Empires .269

Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji Holy Grail Line Flame Keepers.270

Shambali, Bhrama, and Annu-Melchizedek Races of Inner Earth . 271
The Three Primary Urtite-Tri-Cloister Maji Flame Keeper

Holy Grail Line Seed Races of the Palaidia Empires .272

The Two Secondary Urtite-Bi-Cloister Maji Flame Keeper

Holy Grail Line Seed Races of the Palaidia Empires .276

The Riddle of the “Roundtable”— Location of Race Seedings

and Rites of the Rounds ...278

Four Evolutionary Rounds, Co-Resonant Continuum Alignment,
Trans-Time Connection, & Christos Realignment Mission .

The Cycle of the Rounds Seeding-3 ..

The “Cycle of the Rounds”.

Evolutionary Rounds..

Fire Letter Sequences .

. 290

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Angelic Humanity’s Original Sacred Mission .292

The Planetary Shields &. 12 Signet Star Gates

of the Universal Templar Complex .294

The 12 Tribes and the Roundtables.295

12-Cycles, Simultaneous Incarnation, and DNA.296

The Reality of Spiritual Integration.298

Activating the Tribal Shield .299

The Silicate Matrix 12-Strand DNA Template with Hova Body,

Scalar Shield, and Identity Level Correspondences.300

Tire fastest means of naturally activating

the Personal 12-Strand DNA Template.301

Christos Identity Integration .301

Reality of the Roundtables.302

12 Tribe Names and Sacred Psonns.303

The Three Key Elements of the Cycle of the Rounds.303

Tribal Shield Dynamics .307

15 The Atlantian Conspiracy and Roundtables .310

Long-Term Problems and Immediate Solutions.310

The Atlantian Conspiracy.311

King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable.315

Progression of Major Events in the Atlantian Conspiracy.319

Core Template Gridwork is Required.328

Creation of the Leviathan Force & Related History.328

Angelic Human Sceding-3—Contemporary Lineage Begins.328

Summary of the Atlantian Conspiracy.330

The REAL Atlantian-Lemurian Maps.331

Note On 12-Strand DNA Template Activation: Be Aware .333

16 The 9/11/2001 Attack & the Illuminati OWO .335

“UFO Investigation” and “Trigger Events” .336

One World Order (OWO) Master Plans, GA State of War Alert

and Imminent Crisis Order.337

Star Gate -6 and the Selenite Crystal Temple Network.339

Trion-Meajh4 Fields and Expedited Amenti Opening .342

The October 1999 Classified Document, Psychotronics,

Montauk and OWO .344

Sleepers, Terrorists, Remote Viewing, RITs and the NET .347

17 The Phi-Ex Wormhole & Illuminati OWO....354

The Bermuda Triangle, Phi-Ex Wormhole, Falcon Matrix and WW II 354
The Phi-Ex Wormhole, and the Phantom Matrix “Pit"—1943 ... 359

Necromiton-Andromies and the “Unholy Alliance”.359

“Big Brother Drac,” the Andromies, Hiroshima and Hitler.361

18 The Hidden Game-board Final Conflict Drama .366

APIN Systems; The Falcon, the Andromies and the Dove 1943-1951 366

The Lion, the “Lamb,” the Sphinx and the Eagle .367

The White Eagle and the Melchizedek Deception .370

The Sacred Cow, Faces of Man, Easter Island Heads &. Trion Field 371
The Falcon, Phoenix Project and

the Andromie-Rigelian Coalition 1951-1983 . 374

Andromie-Rigelian Coalition, Dragon, bin Laden,

and the “War on Terrorism" 1980-2001 . 376

Montauk Project, “War in the Heavens,” Sonic Pulse

and “Un-Natural Disasters” 1983 . 378

Guardian Intervention and the Bridge Zone Project 1983-1992 ... 379
The Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements and Hurricane Andrew 1992 ... 380
Temporary Cap on the Montauk Phi-Ex Wormhole 1994-1998 ... 382
Anunnaki Defection, Falcon Un-Capped, Indigo Hunting

and Edict of War 1998-2001 .384

19 Wall in Time, Atlantian Secrets of Phoenix & Falcon .386

Dimensional Blend Experiment, the Wall in Time,

Illuminati Master Plan 2003 .386

The WTC/Pentagon Disaster and

die “Secrets of the Phoenix and the Falcon” .389

The Real Founding of America—“Spiking Out the Territory” -393

Our Hidden History of Sorrow, 9558 BC-present.398

Spiritual Manipulation .399

Breeding a Final Conflict Army &. Planetary Shields Reversal .... 401

20 HAARPs, Trumpets, Horsemen, arid Heaven .403

What Really Happened on 9/11/2001 .403

The Trumpets, Towers and Terrorists—

The Hidden Realities of the WTC/Pentagon Disaster.407

UIR OWO Master Plan Agenda.410

Decoding “Revelations”—the OWO Schedule .414

Revelations and “Saint John the Divine”.416

The “Seven Churches,” “Seven Angels” and “the Dove” .417

The Seven Seals and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.419

Return to Innocence.422

21 Conclusion— Earth Changes Potential .426

Planetary Shields Crisis, Seals and Earth Changes.426

Climatic Disturbances and the Labor Day 2001

Sonic Pulse Interference . 429



Appendix I Data Summaries & At-A-Glance Bbiv-Up Charts ...

At-A-Glance Blow-Up Charts.

Original Amenti Ascension Program .

The Six Silent Ascension Avatars.

The Three Tracks of Time .

Choosing Your Future.

Appendix II Introduction to Keylonta ...

The Science of Light, Sound, the Sub-Conscious Symbol Codes,

and the Base Codes of Matter.

Six Primary Elements of Keylontic Science.

Welcome to the Fifth World.

Appendix III Ascension Cycle Dynamics ....

Stellar Activations .

Stellar Wave Infusions .

The Stellar Bridge.

Morphogenetic Crystal Seals .

The Silicate Matrix.

DNA 101.

Ascension Cycle Dynamics At-A-Glance Blow-Up Charts

Crystal Seals and Chakras Correspondence Chart.

Stellar Activations, Spiral Alignments &.

the Star Crystal Seal Activations Chart.





















Table of Contents

Crystal Seals, Dimensional Placement and

DNA Correspondence Chart.; •;.'

15-Chakras & 15-Star Crystal Seals Anatomical Placement Chart 488

Six Personal Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Chart.489

Planetary Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Chart.490

Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions Schedule.491

Stellar Spiral Alignments Schedule.492

Appendix IV Field Techniques .....493

Field Technique 1: Exercise to Release Crystallized Thought

Patterns from the DNA and Cellular Memory Imprint.493

Field Technique 2: The Maharic Seal .496

The Personal and Planetary Maharic Shields Chart .497

Temporary Maharic Seal Technique Steps .502

Field Technique 3: Tire Maharic Quick Seal ..502

Field Technique 4: The Maharata .503

Appendix V 2001 Update Summary Charts .— 505

Star Gate Master Grid Lines Map .505

Star Gates and the Halls of Amenti Charts.506

The Halls of Amenti Star Gate System.507

Universal, Galactic, Planetary and Inner Earth Star Gates.508

Planetary Star Gates Location coordinate Chart.509

Expedited Amenti Opening and

Christos Realignment Mission Charts .510

Earth’s D-12 Pre-matter Christos Divine Blueprint.513

Planetary and DNA Seals Release Schedules.514

12-Strand DNA Template, Vector Codes and Seals.515

The Real Christ Crucifixion, Checkerboard Mutation .516

Christos-Trion-Meajhe Fields, Veca Codes

and Universal Life Force Currents .517

Progression of Intruder APIN Templar Conquest: Atlantis to 2001 518
Sonic Pulse “Un-Natural Disasters” 1935-1992 Summary Chart .. 522
9/11/2001 Intrasound Sub-Space Sonic Pulse Projection Map .... 523

24 Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases .524

24 United Intruder Resistance Nibiruian Crystal Temple Bases ... 525
The Four Faces of Man/Guatdians of the 12 Pillars LPIN System .. 526

The Great White Lion Guardian APIN System .527

Golden Eagle APIN System.528

The Falcon and Dragon Intruder APINs .529

Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Andromie-Nephite Intruder APINs ... 530
Angelic Human 12-Tribes & Indigo Maji Grail Lines Summary .. 531
Intruder ET &. Illuminati Races, 2001 UIR OWO Team Summaries 532
Appendix VI Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule ... 538
Events Leading to GA Crisis Intervention and

Expedited Amenti Opening .538

Expedited Amenti Opening Crisis Intervention Program Begins .. 540
2011 Meajhd Field Weakness, UIR Jehovian Seals

and Trumpet Pulse .552

UIR, “Wingmakers,” the Labyrinth Weapon and 2011 . 553

Index, Volume 11 . 558

Preface to Volume II

For there is nothing hidden except to be revealed, nor is anything kept
secret except in order that it may be made known. If any man has ears
to hear, let him be listening and let him perceive and comprehend.

—Mark 4: 22-23

Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti is a remarkable achievement. The magnitude
of the implications fostered by its very existence is, in a word, stupendous. In
the inspired writings of India, Voyagers would be regarded as Shrutt, which
functions as its own authority, since it is the product of immediate insight
into the nature of ultimate reality. Ashayana’s experience with the Guardian
Alliance represents, in my opinion, a true Gnosis—a direct experience with
higher intelligence—the direct experience of knowledge, with no loss of res¬

Ashayana, hy her own admission, functions here solely as scribe. Voyagers
is the product of nearly 30 years of direct, physical, consensual, and most
importantly—on-going contact with pro-human higher intelligence, be they
Extra-, Meta- or Ultra-terrestrial; hence a Gnosis in the truest sense. This
Gnosis is passed on to the reader, engaging a higher level of cognition or
precognition, if one is already one step ahead of the game.

Voyagers is a precious jewel in “Indra’s Web,” spoken ot in the Buddha s
Flower Garland Sutra, itself a testament in previous times to a profound
knowledge and understanding of advanced Keylontic Morphogenetic Sci¬
ence. In the following pages, you will be reawakened to a model of intei di¬
mensional physics, time mechanics, DNA construction and multi¬
dimensional identity structure that will revolutionize your comprehension of
our world, our universe and yourselves.

These teachings are being returned to us at a most critical juncture in our
tenure as embodied souls, “in order that you may, as free and proud shaper of
your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.” 1 These teac
ings are submitted, as Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone ) would say, not for your


17V 11

Preface to Volume II

approval,” but rather for your consideration. Do consider them carefully. For
“If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is
painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion.

As so aptly put, in The Adornment of The Spiritual Marriage, “Knowledge
of ourselves teaches us whence we come, where we are and whither we are
going. We come from God and we are in exile.” You, the reader, are about to
cross the event horizon of a ground-breaking work of singular significance for
Earth and its inhabitants. Voyagers is, quite literally, a road map to the
stars...and beyond. Inside these pages is truth, not re-veiled...but unveiled—
stripped of the distortion, dogma and elitism still so pervasive within tradi¬
tional and contemporary works of higher calling. Voyagers establishes a cos-
mographic paradigm through which all others can be organized and unified,
providing a most compelling and impressive body of information regarding
the true origins of the human lineage, as well as our hidden (until now!) evo¬
lutionary destiny.

We stand on the threshold of the fulfillment of a covenant made a long
time ago in “a special pre-existent place”—a place known to the Acoma as
Ha Ku, to the Mayan as Hunab Ku—the Egyptian Ku, to the Lakotas’

To the Dorothy in each of us, the Emerald City of OZ, the heavenly
Tula...Tara...Home. Prepare for a new level of revelation.

—Philip L. Gruber


Quantum Access Group

Required Reading

The second edition of Volume II of the Voyagers series has been vastly
enlarged so as to include much important, current information about what is
happening on Planet Earth, up to and including the tragic national events of
September 11, 2001, when hijacked airliners were intentionally crashed into
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

To ensure that you have an appropriate understanding of this informa¬
tion, it will be necessary for you to obtain and read, if you have not done so
already, the second edition of Voyagers, Volume I. See “Ordering informa¬
tion” on page 580. Specifically, the following bolded sections of Voyagers I,
second edition, are essential to understand before proceeding:

introduction .**

♦The Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister, Inc ...xxxv

♦About the Author .xmu

♦CDT-PIates, Emerald Covenant and the Mass Drama . .......xliii

  • Administrative Levels of the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister ... xlix

The Yunasai. x l‘ x

Yanas. x l‘ x

Breneau Order Founders Races.1

IAFW—Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds.li

Density-5 MC Eieyani Master Council.hi

Azurite Universal Templar Security Team.liii

GA-Guardian Alliance.l‘ v

1 UFOs, Visitors, and the Interior Government.1

2 Keylonta Science and Abduction.21

3 Human Origins and Hybridization.57

4 Hidden Motives and Mechanics.50

5 Awareness, Emotion, and Intuition.24

6 Special Projects.105

7 Levels of Identity and Components of Mind.134

♦History, Motivation, Meaning and Message.158

Guardians and Founders Races.158

The IAFW, Azurite Security Team and tire MC Eieyani Master Council.162

The GA and the Angelic Human Lineage.165

The 12 GA Signet Councils, Star Gate Security &. Royal House Deception 167

The 3 GA Signet Councils Of Etheric Matter Dcnsity-3(D7-8-9).170

GA Signet Council- 6 , Sirius B, Indigo Children & Christiac Grail Lines .... 171
The Maharaji, Angelic Humans, Priests of Ur &. Melchizedek Priesthoods.. 175
The Final Conflict, Star Gate- 6 , Maji Priests of Azurline &. Christ Drama... 182

1 . Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man, trans. A. Robert Caponigri.
Chicago: Gateway Editions, 1956.

  1. Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy, 1944-1945 Harper and Row Perennial Library.

  2. jan Van Ruysbroeck, London 1916



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